Dignity in The Hate U Give Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, The Hate U Give
📌Words: 405
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 June 2022

This is similar to what is happening to the characters in the hate u give by Angie Thomas  

Big Mav illustrates that the choices of the characters often impact them by taking away an important part of their identities, such as their job, dignity, and their family.    

In particular, I believe that big maverick lost his life job family, and his dignity because of his actions.  So I will start one by one I believe he lost his family because he was involved in criminal activity with the king lords. which resulted in him going to jail for three years and when he was in jail there was no man for his family so uncle Carlos had to step up and he had to take care of star and his mother. This is really absurd because how can a man not worry about their family and his actions and how can a man not worry that if he does not pull his shit together another man might eventually do it for him and try to take his place?. I say that because according to Starr she asked uncle Carlos if she can call him daddy but he said no due to her already having a dad   “Uncle” has meant almost as much as “Daddy.”  To interpret Starr’s quote I think she is so attached to uncle Carlos because he was taking care of starr like he was the father.   

On to the dignity part I opinion on big Mavs dignity is he complicity lost it because he needed someone else to take care of his family because could not be a man and was too busy hanging out with the king lords. according to star when Mrs. Rosalie said Starr’s mom said “she is the reason why I did graduate because when big Mav was in prison Mrs. Rosalie took care of you and me so I would not drop out. That is why I believe big Mav lost his dignity.  

In conclusion, the character in The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas lost their dignity and family, and voices because they were not thinking about their action and they were not watching the impact they could make with their identity or their character traits on their life and their community.  With luck, the poor choices we make in the present, such as the ones mentioned earlier with regards to the teacher who could have been helpful, can still be reversed so you do not lose your true identity and character forever.

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