Discussing the Negative Effects of Technology on Society (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Science, Technology
📌Words: 646
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 12 June 2022

Technology has evolved a lot throughout the years and has become a big part of daily life. Furthermore, technology has been the base of many new inventions such as phones, robots, and computers. To some, technology has been a very useful and great while to others it has made things worse for humanity.

In the article known “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, Carr’s main purpose is to express that technology has more negative effects rather than positive impacts. He uses the example of one’s attention span becoming shorter after using technology for too long. Carr also explains how the usage of technology makes it difficult for people to develop deep thoughts about long pieces of information. By writing this article, Carr is hoping to have reached people who use technology on a regular basis, mainly people who spend hours at a time on the internet. Overall, the purpose of “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” is to inform technology users that the use of technology can have a more negative impact than a positive.

After reading the article I slightly changed my thinking about the role of technology in our lives. Before reading the article it is known that technology is something that almost everyone depends on to do basic things such as calculating prices for some clothing or even measuring the length of a table. Technology has made people a lot lazier than normal because it is so easy to access things or complete something. The article did make me think about what the future could possibly hold. It has always been the idea that technology will dominate the future by creating flying vehicles or robots that will do your basic everyday tasks. All of these ideas sound interesting but overall they are all creations that will make people lazy and unable to do simple things. In a sense, it feels as if we are making things a lot worse for future generations and it is going to create a lazy, unproductive lifestyle for everyone. To conclude, after reading the article by Nicholas Carr, my opinion on the usage of technology in our lives has changed in some ways by furthering my understanding of how technology has and will continue to negatively impact our society.

Overall, after reading the article I agree and disagree with what Carr was arguing. I slightly disagree with his argument because the internet has given us access to a lot of information that without it probably couldn’t have been possible to access. Furthermore, a lot of people depend on the internet to communicate with long-distance friends and family members. Without it, it could be pretty difficult. On the other hand, I agree with his argument because I believe people are relying on the internet too much to the point that it is starting to strip them from their basic skills such as critical thinking. The article states, “My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles.” To put this in different words, since the internet splurges information out at once it makes it harder for one to actually learn from it and grow an understanding of what they are reading about. All in all, I agree and disagree with Carr’s argument because the internet is very beneficial for us when needing to learn new information but can also be negative if we don’t take the time to interpret the information.

In conclusion, in the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Nicholas Carr argues his opinion on the negative impacts of technology on technology users. After reading the article, it furthered my opinion that technology does have a lot of negative effects and eventually is going to become a big issue in society. I agree with what he was stating because using technology for such a long time on a consistent basis does start to take a toll on one’s basic skills like critical thinking but despite this, the internet has given people unlimited access to lots of information. In the end, the internet can be a good and bad thing, it just depends on how one decides to use it.

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