Effects Autism Has On Communication Psychology Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Child development, Health, Illness, Mental health, Psychology
đź“ŚWords: 1047
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 30 March 2021

Back in the Spartans’ days, children born with a disability faced abandonment or murder because the babies were imperfect. A child was not classified as a child until they were one week old; therefore, Spartans put a law in place that allowed the Spartans to “dispose” of the baby without the feeling of remorse. Nowadays, disabled children are accepted globally and seen as normal children who need a little extra help. It is accepted in today’s world to have a disability such as autism, but the next step is ensuring their struggles with daily life are eased; Easing their struggles starts with positive practices in schools.

Communication has proven to be one of the more prominent hardships in a person’s daily life with autism. One way a child has difficulty communicating is nonverbally. According to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, NIDCD, children struggle with “meaningful gestures” and eye contact. NIDCD explains that this can lead to agitation due to the incompetence of communicating their feelings or needs. In a classroom setting, nonverbal communication is essential, although difficult to achieve; Therefore, due to the circumstances leading to online classrooms, nonverbal communication became that much harder. Autism Speaks suggests exaggerating gestures when speaking. By using both verbal and nonverbal communication, an autistic child will begin to imitate the gestures. This allows the child to model the same behavior, and their nonverbal communication may increase. For example, when teaching online, having the camera on and using gestures such as nodding while saying yes to a question is an easy gesture that the child can mimic and use for themselves. Facial expressions are another positive practice teachers can display over an online class that a child can mimic and learn to use. When speaking of something exciting, a big smile on a teacher’s face can help the child make the connections: smile for excitement. There are many ways a teacher can utilize and exaggerate nonverbal communications. The more a child can experience nonverbal communication, the bigger chance the child will begin using communication. Because a child has better communication skills, the display of inappropriate behavior will lessen due to frustration. Nonverbal communication is a skill that will benefit any child in their lives now and in the future. Teaching the children early on will give them an immense opportunity for success in the future. Nonverbal communications can keep children engaged in the classroom and have an outlet to express their feelings and needs. Teachers using gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and more will also learn to pay attention to the children’s use of nonverbal communications; ultimately, this creates a better atmosphere for the child to learn and a stronger bond between the child and teacher. 

Children with autism tend to depend on routines and consistency. Having a routine can be beneficial for children with ASD; routine in the classroom is crucial. Having a schedule can ease the anxious mind of a child with autism. Autism West Midlands says that people with autism may not possess the “communication skills” or “social understanding” to comprehend why this change occurs. Throwing a child with autism into change can lead to the display of inappropriate behavior, irrational thinking, stress, and anxiety, according to Autism West Midlands. A teacher can create a routine in an online class by sticking to scheduled times; attendance should be at a particular time, individual work at a specific time each day, discussions taking place at the same time each day, and more. Teachers can post a schedule with written times on their online classroom for the child to observe every day. Another way to ensure a classroom stays predictable is by using communication. By clearly communicating to the student what class will look like that day before it begins, they will not have any unpleasant surprises. These positive practices will ensure the class will run smoothly for both the students and the teacher. The more predictable the class is for a child with autism, the more comfortable and organized they are. Keeping a strict routine allows for the child with ASD to predict what will happen next, relieving them of the burden of stress. Ultimately the child will be happier and more well behaved. Routine is significant in any classroom, virtual or in person, and for any child, disabled or not. 

Sensory overload can also affect the learning of a child with autism. Sensory overload can mean two different things in children with autism, according to Otismo: Their senses are significantly heightened or not present at all. Otismo explains how a child with sensory overload may display various signs; sensory overload signs consist of swinging, flapping their hands, touching, or observing something very closely. Some things that can cause sensory overload are sounds, bright or flashing lights, textures, vibrations, and so much more. Otismo explains that vestibular sensory overload can look like “difficulty in walking or running on nonsmooth or uneven surfaces and in changing directions,” and proprioceptive sensory overload as “hold[ing] their bodies in strange positions and have difficulty manipulating small objects.” Sensory overload can be dangerous, as the child may harm themselves to cope with the overload. Certain positive practices a teacher can initiate in an online class can be playing soothing music or providing a time for the students to get up and stretch before returning to their work. Teachers can also allow students to use self-soothing techniques, such as chew toys or fidget toys. Teachers may seem skeptical of allowing students to have toys in class, but if the toys are used purposely and are not obstructing their learning, then the toys are the perfect solution. Teachers can also ensure to eliminate any distracting posters, lights, or sounds from the view of their cameras to make sure students do not become hyperfocused on these items instead of their learning. Teachers who pay attention to sensory overload signs typically have an easier time teaching the child with ASD the needed information while maintaining a comfortable learning environment. A child who can focus on school, rather than a child who can only focus on the constant beep in the classroom, will ultimately have an easier time learning. Children will also be more productive and excited for class when they can count on not having problems with their senses. 

 In the final analysis, children diagnosed with autism have copious hassles to overcome every day. School is no exception. Working with these students proves to take patience and understanding of what they go through, and the predicament of online schooling makes it substantially more difficult. However, these children are deserving of the efforts taken to ensure they have a vigorous life- and a day at school. If teachers, and everyone else, took time to understand these astounding children, the outcomes are breathtaking. Work to understand these children. It is worth it. 

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