Essay About Animal Cruelty on Farms

đź“ŚCategory: Animal Farm, Books
đź“ŚWords: 368
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 20 July 2022

Will a book give hope to survivors? Animal Farm is a novel by George Orwell that was first published in August 1945. This novel is about a group of animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where all animals are equal, free, and happy. Napoleon is a pig in George Orwell's novel , he is based on Joseph Stalin, a ruler of the Soviet Union as a dictator. George Orwell protrayed Joseph Stailns character to be an arrogant yet sly dictator who is willing to sacrifice anything including his own people.

George Orwell was a struggling writer in London and worked letter by letter with refugees to publish his novel in Ukrainian. George Orwell reached out to Ukrainian refugees in hopes of sharing their groups incomprehensible evil of totalitarian government. George Orwell's novel was rejected by many publishers. Jonathan Cape was going to publish it but back out when he consulted an important official who unknowingly was a Soviet agent, he excused himself in fear that Stalin wouldn't like it.

The goal of animal farm was to create a society where all were equal. The novel teaches people that with the gain of power, leaders will fall into temptation and work for personal gain. Orwell was a writer who understood the power of words. "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". This is an example of paradox equality means that everyone is on the same level.

The first sentence in the book tells us that Jones is so drunk he forgot to secure the chicken coop. This proves that the animals' problems are real, they are not safe, they are being neglected. The animals rebel against their farmer because of neglect. The revolution started when he came home one night drunk and forgot to milk the cows or feed the animals. All of the animals came together and had a meeting. Old Major said the animals run the farm better than the humans.

This is what started the revolution. The animals in the novel hoped to achieve unity and equality in the revolution. This was achieved at the beginning of the revolution, which made it a success, but in the end the revolution was a failure. At the end of the novel Napoleon uses power by force. The ending expresses how the pigs have become as cruel as human farmers.

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