Essay About Positive Effects Of Technology in Our Life

📌Category: Science, Technology
📌Words: 824
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 June 2022

Technology has drastically changed the world we live in today, without question, but is the world better with technology? Technology hasn’t always been around, but since the first piece of technology was invented, it has never stopped evolving. People are constantly developing and improving technology. Technology can be and is used in many parts of everyday life, from advancing medical and health care to improving the education system. That is not to say that technology hasn’t had negative effects on society, because it has. But overall society has improved because of technology. Technology and its impact on society has been positive.

Firstly to state, there are many ways in which technology can help people in the medical department. One of those ways is the development of technology for people with physical disabilities. One of the newest pieces of technology to assist people with disabilities is the bionic exoskeleton, which has helped paraplegic people walk again. In the article “The Guardian”, the text stated, “American Lyle Fleming was able to walk for the first time in six years thanks to an exoskeleton that has been described as a ‘legged Segway’’'. This new technology is taking away disabilities and this is just one of the many instances in which technology has bettered someone’s life.

Technology has also been able to help people with disabilities get back to a normal life. Disabilities can make things in everyday life difficult for people. Now there is technology to help them get back to doing normal things. There has been technology development for remote jobs, apps to help people with speech impediments, and technology for people who struggle with the full functionality of their hands. This technology is constantly developing and improving to make the lives of people with disabilities easier.

Another way in which technology has improved society is in the educational field. Throughout history, the education system has been slowly developing but we now see a faster pace of improvement with the help of technology. Technology has already been a big part of this generation’s years, and with the inclusion of technology in the education system, there has been a big impact. In many schools across the country, computers have been given to students and have assisted them with homework and in-class assignments. One of the improvements in the education system is communication. As Julia Morison said, “Since technology has emerged, communication gaps have been bridged up and the flow of knowledge has been smoothened” (8 Ways Technology Improves Education). Nowadays, a teacher is an email away rather than way back when, when a student would have to just wait until they saw their teacher again. Communication has even been made easier between students, making group projects and collaboration.

In the classroom, another major improvement with the help of technology has been the engagement of students. Teachers can use technology to make learning more fun by making games, group projects, videos, etc. This new learning forum accommodates today's students very well in that technology is a big part of today's generation. A concern with the use of technology in school may be that distraction could occur commonly. While this may be true, distractions have always been recurrent, even before the use of technology. Along with that, if a teacher presents assignments well and engages students effectively, distraction shouldn't be much of an issue.

Technology has also progressed the social world. Technology has been able to help everyone communicate with each other. It has made connecting with friends and family easier. It has also made the communication of global and local news effortless. As Zachary Fenell stated, “Technology has helped to create awareness of global issues by increasing the amount of international news” (How Technology Has Improved Communication). Knowing what’s going on in the world is just a click away. The knowledge of current events can be communicated from anywhere, at any time.

Technology also now includes the sociality of media apps. For example, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter, and many more social media platforms. Many teens currently use these platforms. This can bring up the issue of the darkness of social media platforms and how that relates to insecurity in teens and young adults. With the easy access to these social media apps, teens and young adults seem to compare themselves to others and end up with a negative view of themselves. While this all may be true, social media is also a digital place that can positively impact teens' and young adults' lives. Social media can raise awareness, combat loneliness, normalize help-seeking behavior, and create and maintain relationships (Pros and Cons of Social Media on Mental Health). Mental health can be a tricky thing to talk about and deal with but social media has been able to make it a safe place to do that. At times, everyone feels alone, but with friends and family and social media on people's sides, no one has to.

To conclude, technology has a wide range of abilities in terms of what it can do and how it can help people in everyday life. From mental health to physical health, communication of news to communication of people, and so much more. With every aspect of the impact of technology taken into consideration as both good and bad, it’s safe to say that the good outweighs the bad. Today’s technology has had a significantly positive impact on society.

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