Essay about Role of Women in Society

📌Category: Gender Equality, Social Issues
📌Words: 537
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 June 2021

Since the dawn of time, women were taught to be a housewife and submissive to men. They were required to start a family and be a “good woman”. But, when it comes to men, they can have all the freedom in the world. Yes, I know that men were taught to be breadwinners and very masculine. Yet, there has always been a double standard when it comes to men and women. You would think that after many centuries something would change between the viewing of a woman's role to a man. Unfortunately, it hasn’t.

On April 24, 2021, there was a warning informing all women that men in their area might rape them. It was scary to think that this is what the world has come to, men raping women on the spot. Shortly, women on social media advised people to start buying tasers and teaching them self-defense mechanisms. Because, as a person on social media said, “you rather be safe than be sorry”. At that moment watching these videos about self-defense, I thought why haven’t I seen one video talking about how vile some men are. To even think about doing something like this to a person. Is it because people have just come to assume that this is how men are and we have to accept that? Or are we too scared to confront them?

In addition, this brings me to the topic of women’s treatment in the United States. This topic intrigues me because it's not really discussed, let alone written about. With everything women have done to show their capabilities, they are still being judged and treated differently. On April 28, 2021, President Biden made a full address to a joint session of congress. Stating that he is going to increase the minimum wage up to 15 dollars an hour. He said, “We need to ensure greater equality and opportunity for women and while we're doing this let’s get the paycheck fairness act to my desk, as well equal pay”. This shows that women are paid less than men in the workforce but still complete the same responsibilities as them. It is very unfair, this change is long overdue but there's more to be said and done. When it comes to a woman having a child, about 24 states have made restrictions on the provision of abortion care. And there has been a decrease in the number of abortion clinics in most states. These actions made by state officials are unethical because a woman should have the right to choose whether or not they should have one. Women should not be left with the option of keeping a baby that they are unequipped to raise. The effect would be bad for both the child and the mother.

Evidently, I chose to look at all accomplishments women have made over the years. Such as the increasing number of women in sports and the military. And, the amazing woman Amanda Gorman, reading her poem, “The Hill We Climb” at the inauguration of President Biden. As well as, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Latino United States Representative. To learn more about women’s treatment in the US and their advancement; I research women who defy the odds and made it to the top. They’ve made it to that level of success without letting anyone stop them because of their race or sex. Researching these women shows the dramatic impact women have made. However, there's still a long way before everyone is viewed equally.

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