Essay About The Industrial Revolution in Britain

đź“ŚCategory: British Empire, History, The Industrial Revolution
đź“ŚWords: 614
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 11 June 2022

The Industrial Revolution was a time of social, economic and environmental change. It was centralised by Britain, where the process of transitioning from an agricultural and economy driven by technological production. The essay will demonstrate that Indigenous peoples in British territories suffered primarily negative social consequences, including enslavement, genocide, and illness. The Industrial Revolution impacted the environment. The demand for raw materials soared as resource intensive industries grew, resulting in the British Empire's fast global development. The world's population grew significantly, and this, combined with rising living standards, resulted in the destruction of the environment. Increasing air pollution, and increased consumption of fossil fuels, occurred from the use of chemicals and fuel in manufacturing. This essay will also discuss the economic consequences of Britain abroad. However, this essay shows that the benefits of these positive economic consequences from British actions abroad were mostly limited to the capitalists and ruling classes.

The social consequences for indigenous peoples in British overseas territories were mostly negative. When the British arrived in overseas territories, the Indigenous people were often enslaved. The British colonisers also brought with them policies of genocide and new disease. According to Colin Hunter Jr, who is a Wurundjeri elder working side by side with the Yarra River and Merri Creek. He demonstrates the lives of the Indigenous people before and after the British people came. Before the European people came, the Indigenous people were at peace and respected the land and each other. After the Indigenous people came the European people took over the land and put their own policies on the land.  It shows that the Europeans changed the way Indigenous people lived and created their own things on the land without talking to the Wurundjeri people. It was not easy because of the differences both people had, and the disbelief the British people had over the Indigenous people. According to Sage Journals, the British settlers removed the Indigenous people by cutting their food sources and massacred them.

During the Industrial Revolution, Industry and the capital class in Britain drove ever increasing demand for raw resources from the British overseas territories. This led to widespread environmental damage in the British overseas territories. Britain's actions overseas made the world's population grow significantly, and this, combined with rising living standards, resulted in the destruction of the environment. Increasing air pollution, and increased consumption of fossil fuels, occurred from the use of chemicals and fuel in manufacturing. According to 2Institutes, the 1750’s - 1900’s British had the global power burning fossil fuels, coals, natural gases and oils created CO2 levels to rise. The graph shows that the CO2 levels kept rising because of the carbon dioxide and greenhouse emission gases enhancing the environment being negatively affected.

The positive outcomes of Britain ruling overseas was that in Africa. According to Bscholary, Britain gave a new idea of government which helped the colony in many ways in Africa. They also helped make Africa and its territories bring more people to make a large political colony which helped Nigeria grow faster, there are many more positive effects that Britain overcomed in overseas. However, it will show the benefits of these positive economic consequences from British actions abroad were mostly limited to the capitalists and ruling classes. Imperialism has taken its toll on the colonies. As stated in Tamaqua, a report of Britain actions, under foreign rule, local culture and industry were destroyed. Imported goods destroyed the local handicraft industry. Using the colonies as sources of raw materials and markets for manufactured goods, the colonial powers kept the colonies from developing industry.

This essay portrayed the social, economic and environmental consequences of British actions in abroad territories. This essay stated that due to enslavement, killings and viruses, when the British arrived overseas they ruined their social interactions. It also showed that Britain demanded for raw materials which led to environmental damage to the world, including pollution and climate global change. Lastly, it portrayed the positive economic advantages from British actions abroad, but they were for the ruling and capital classes.

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