Essay About Volunteering

📌Category: Experience, Life
📌Words: 286
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 June 2022

Volunteer Services allows a person to contribute their time towards a service that benefits both the community as well as themselves. It has provided people with the opportunity of connecting with more people, especially those who support the same cause as well as build and improve team-player skills. It enables one to show compassion towards people, understand different people’s point of view and their lifestyle condition, and donate/work towards that cause. By empathizing, people learn valuable essential skills such as patience, eagerness to work, as well as hard working skills which can be very beneficial both to one’s career as well as their individual being.

Volunteering also increases a person’s self-morale as well as provide a sense of purpose. I speak from my personal experience in BETA, where I have had opportunities to help Purple Pansies in raising awareness about Pancreatic Cancer, by assisting at Dinner Services and Seating Arrangements. Working together in a team to achieve the goal of raising awareness about Cancer made me feel more appreciative of what I have and made me keener towards giving back to the world more. Hence, I have made it one of my goals as the Red Cross PR Lead to increase as much awareness of Community Service I can, to make the world a better place.

One way to do so, was to increase student participation.  As the PR Lead, I have maintained communication within students, and introduced more engaging volunteering opportunities using Instagram and Remind. There are over 30 students who have been active in these opportunities at Cambridge Red Cross! These opportunities will help students find experiences that exemplify their support and appreciation towards our community, while broadening their skillset. Among these opportunities, we have made a strong bond, and have been grateful to be able to do this with a group of people with a similar mindset! :)

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