Essay Example about Brown v. Board of Education

📌Category: Education, History, Law
📌Words: 668
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 07 April 2022

Brown vs Board of Education is a landmark case in The Supreme Court that has changed the future of segregated schools. The case involved the students of color in Topeka, Kansas in 1954 and how they had to go to a school for black students which was a dangerous way while they couldn't go to the closer and less unsafe white school that was closer to them. It has impacted the way the segregation of schools changed.

The case of Brown v Board Of Education was appealed from the lower courts to the Supreme Courts. The lower court's verdict was that the district hand ruled in favor of the BOE which was saying “separate but equal”(us, nd) . The decisions came from the Plessy v Ferguson case which has decided the lower court's decision. Then, it had appealed to the Supreme Courts. Before the cases went to the supreme court, Marshall argued before and was stating how this violated a variety of legal issues and how this had violated the 14th amendment to  “equal protection clause”( Also it showed that having a segregated school can show to black kids that “they are inferior to white children”( and how it shouldn't not be shown to children of these ages. 

The case went to the Supreme Court in 1952 and the Supreme Court was very divided on the decision that could come from the case. While almost most of them wanted to reverse the ruling that had been given on the Plessy vs Ferguson case, they were undecided on the outcome and how this could be causing more problems than it already had done before. Turns out they were unable to come up with a decision by June of 1953 which was the end of the Supreme Court's term. But they had decided to re-hear the case by December of 1953. During those months the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Fred Vinon had passed away.  The new Chief Justice was Governor Earl Warren of California. When Earl Warren had heard the case he was able to do something that his predecessor had not. He brought the Justices together to form a unanimous vote which had declared segregation as public school was very unconstitutional.  Then on May 14th of 1954 he and the court delivered the decision that stated “We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of “separate but not equal” has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal”(, nd).  The vote of the Supreme Court had come out to 9-0 and showed how the people in the Supreme Court all agreed on the decisions that had been made.

Following the decisions made by the Supreme Court many people still did not agree with the verdict made. The Supreme Court isn't trying to immediately have this law set in. They first asked the Attorney Generals of the states that have the public school segregation laws to turn in a plan of desegregation of the schools. But many people still did not like the decisions made and many people still didn't allow black people into their schools, in 1963 Alabama Governor George Wallace had spoken out against letting black students attend the University of Alabama and had “blocked them from getting in”(Icivics, nd) and this was showing how many people still did not agree with the new desegregation law . Also this case will impact they way that school had changed and how the school were not equal at first and it changed the future of cases like that and how Plessy vs Fergsuon decided the lower court's decision but then appealed to the Supreme Court and they wanted to change the way the future of public school will go. 

Brown vs Board of Education made a lasting impact on segregated schools across the nation. This case was the case that had shaped the future of other cases that would come along and are similar to this one. The case had violated the 14th Amendment and had shown to many black children that they are inferior to white children. Also how it had violated many legal issues and had shown that wihte people think they are better than black people. All in all, this made a lasting impact on the segregation of schools across the nation.

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