Essay Example about Rebecca Crumpler

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 441
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 October 2022

You probably haven't heard of a person named Rebecca Crumpler. She was the first woman ever to receive an M. D degree in medicine. She was also the first African American woman to graduate college. What motivated her to go to medical school? What were some of her accomplishments? How did she change history? Continue reading to find out! 

Motivation for her occupation Crumpler was raised by her aunt. She was a nurse in some way. She took care of people who were ill. Rebecca, being around that influence all the time, “... Early conceived a liking for, and sought every opportunity to relieve the sufferings of others.” ~ Rebecca Lee Crumpler. During the time she was living in, “medical care for the needs of poor blacks was almost non-existent during the antebellum years”, so this could also be another reason why she was so impelled to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. In 1852, she worked as a nurse for 8 years. In 1860, she went to college and graduated 4 years later.  Accomplishments Crumpler had many accomplishments. She graduated from New England Medical College in 1864. She was the first female to earn an M. D degree, and she was also the first African American woman to graduate from college. She was also the first African American woman to publish a medical text, “A book of Medical Discourses”, in 1883. Crumpler had many obstacles to overcome. Between the pressures of college and deep-seated prejudice, she still pushed through and was successful in was she did. How she changed history CrumplerCrumpler didn't follow the crowd. She marched to the beat of her drum. Instead of thinking this was too hard, or how she could never do this, she was determined to push through and achieve her dream. This no doubt inspired others to achieve their dream, no matter what others said. She set the record, and her actions said “Yes, I am a woman, and yes I'm African American. That doesn't mean that I can't do what you can do.” She showed us that it doesn't matter what our gender, age, race, or background is. As long as we put in the work, anyone can achieve anything. “History has shown us that when Black women are given the opportunity, despite limited resources and systemic barriers, they add immeasurable value.” ~ Onyinyechi Eke, Onyeka Otugo, Jessica Isom 


What can we learn from Crumpler? We can learn that it doesn't matter where we come from or what we look like. It matters what's in our hearts and what our motives are. Rebecca was African American and a woman. She did what no one else thought she could do, and she did what no one else did before. Don't follow the crowd or be easily persuaded by what others think. March to the beat of your drum.

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