Essay Example about Recent Conflicts Between Kosovo and Serbia

đź“ŚCategory: Contemporary history, History
đź“ŚWords: 565
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 21 August 2022

Why has there been so much ethnic strife in my native country of Kosovo? Some simplify the reason to one event but I will run through history to show events that have segregated Serbians and Kosovo Albanians for over a millennium. 

Early history (400B.C - 1912)

North Macedonia. In the sixth century, the Byzantine Empire seized control of the Balkan region. Migrations occurred in the area during the sixth and seventh centuries, and the empire was reestablished in the eighth century by Emperor Basil II. In 1346, the Serbian Empire was established, and Kosovo became a province of their kingdom. They then maintained control of Kosovo until 1455. The "Battle of Kosovo" in 1389 marked the climax of Kosovo's history. The Ottoman Turks attacked the Serbian Empire in the "Battle of Kosovo." The Turkish forces of the Ottoman Sultan Murad I and the Serbian forces of Lazar fought on what was known as Kosovo Polje, which means "Fields of the Blackbirds." This battle lasted 29 years, from 1360 to 1389, and resulted in Turkish victory, the expulsion of Serbia, and the complete encirclement of the crumbling Byzantine Empire by the Ottoman Turks. Serbia still had its own land, but the land where Kosovo is now was under Ottoman Turk control. The Ottoman Turks suffered massive losses, and Turkish leaders even praised the Serbs for their bravery. Because of the Ottoman Turks' losses, neither side launched any further attacks. The religion and cultural aspects of the Ottoman Turks who settled in Kosovo are still practised today. Islam was the Ottoman Turks' religion, and it is still the most visible religion in Kosovo today. Our traditional clothing, dances, and food have been influenced by Turkish and Albanian culture. The Turks divided the country into four provinces known as Vilayets, Kosovo being one of those Vilayets. The Ottoman Turks ruled for approximately 500 years until in 1878, one of the four vilayets with Albanians, the Vilayet of Kosovo, created the League of Prizren with the goal of fighting Ottoman control and further assaults by newly-emerging Balkan nations. Prizren, on the other hand, is now one of Kosovo's most Turkish-influenced cities in Kosovo today.

Recent History (1913 - 2020)

In 1918 the newly formed federated country called Yugoslavia was built with countries combining and becoming one such as Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo. At the time, Kosovo was known as being a part of Serbia but it had no control over it. Kosovo was viewed as Serbia but it had its own borders and government at the time but isn't recognized by anyone as an independent country. When Yugoslavia ended in 1992, Serbia tried to show some force over Kosovo as they were showing signs of being independent again. Ethnic Albanians were fighting back Serbian forces throughout the 90’s until in 1998 Serbia sent multiple forces to Kosovo and Overpowered Kosovo’s forces and maintained control for only a small amount of time. During this time it was not only a war, but ethnic cleansing of Kosovar Albanians. American President Bill Cliton saw this awful war, the brutality of the Serbian forces, and launched Missiles to Kosovo to push Serbian forces out of Kosovo. NATO troops then intervened and came into Kosovo to defend, and thanks to the US and NATO, Kosovo was able to declare its independence on Feb 17, 2008. Ever Since then there hasn't been any major conflict or events besides having their first female president and a bunch of new things that they were able to do for the first time being truly independent. Multiple war crimes have happened which is to be expected as an aftermath side effect of war.

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