Essay Example on Conspiracy Theories

đź“ŚCategory: Philosophy
đź“ŚWords: 783
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 09 October 2022

Conspiracy theories have a specific psychology behind them. Anyone, educated or not, could choose to believe in them. The psychology behind conspiracies is not complex.  According to Merriam-Webster, the textbook definition of conspiracy theories is “a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators.” This definition of a conspiracy theory is true, but conspiracies have a much deeper meaning. Conspiracies are thoughts or ideas most likely made up by paranoid people. Conspiracies exist mainly as a harmless entertainment to others but there is a negative side to them. Conspiracies also have the ability to manipulate and change the way of how people think. Conspiracy theories tend to target a specific group of people. Although some studies have indicated that people who believe in conspiracy theories easily are also the types of people that have a specific mindset, the majority of research suggests conspiracies have proven to be consequential towards who or what the theory is about.

“Conspiracy theories are as old as time.” (Grohol 2020). Conspiracies have a history. The majority of the conspiracies nowadays are harmless. Although, some conspiracies that are not so innocuous can be consequential towards who or what the theory is about, especially before modern days. One of the oldest known conspiracies is The Salem Witch Trials which date back to 1692. The Salem Witch Trials were “a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693.” The Salem Witch Trials are categorized as a conspiracy theory because a paranoid individual or group of paranoid individuals accused others of witchcraft even though the conspiracy was a hoax. Although the conspiracy wasn’t true, more than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft and 19 were executed. 

Conspiracies, nowadays, have spread faster and to many more people. The main explanation to this is social media. Social media has the ability to spread any information in almost any way. Conspiracy theorists have become more common on some social media platforms, like YouTube and TikTok. Shane Dawson, for example, a popular YouTuber with 19.8 million subscribers, has a video where he promotes the idea that the moon landing was faked by the government. This is a great example because he is a very well-known YouTuber, so he had the power to take advantage of the millions of views he had on this video to spread false information to earn a profit. Now this relates to many other conspiracy theorists and/or influencers. They may spread false or poorly supported ideas to earn a profit.

 Conspiracies are more likely to target a person willing to agree to anything, or in simpler words, an agreeable person. These individuals are the ones who are lonely and more likely the ones who believe anything that others tell them, or in simpler words, someone who is gullible or naïve. People who believe in conspiracies easily are also the types of people that have a mindset of wanting to feel in control. 

Everyone has a brain that finds shorter ways, jumps to conclusions, makes assumptions, judges, and may work in irrational ways. “We find causal explanations for events and a set of behaviors. It is a way of making sense of a chaotic world with tons of stimulation and random events.” (Seide 2021) This means we, as humans, tend to try to find a solution to every problem even if the problem may have no solution. Although, some conspiracies have been debunked and recently. But people that have already been lured into that theory, most likely will still believe it. An example would be the Flat Earth theory. Flat Earth theorists believe the Earth is flat rather than round. This theory may be completely harmless, but these theorists have spread false information leading to millions of flat Earth believers. As 7% of the Brazilian population believe the Earth is flat till this day. This theory has been debunked for years but Flat earthers deny any source of science and proof that the Earth is not flat, and sill tend to stick to this conspiracy.

Conspiracies can vary between something as small as the flat earth theory to something as important as whether vaccines are safe or not. This can really make a difference. One may not like the sound of a new vaccine so they spread their negative thoughts and ideas on it, which could be either a rumor which potentially becomes a conspiracy. 

Conspiracy theorists have ways of using conspiracies to change the way one thinks. Many conspiracy theories arise from feelings of uncertainty and fear. Conspiracy theorists spread conspiracies either for profit or not wanting to perceive the truth. Conspiracy theorists will find an unnoticeable way to bring their ideas and theories upon whoever comes across them. Although some may have some noticeable ways. “If they can’t present any solid scientific evidence, conspiracy theorists may name impressive-sounding witnesses who apparently endorse their worldview.” (Robson 2020). Some theorists will go to the extent in desperate need of views and profit. Therefore, leading to fake news and evidence.

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