Essay Example on New Beginning

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 595
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 August 2022

New beginnings are not always accompanied by fresh and exciting feelings. In fact, nervousness and fear can accompany them. We wonder if we can deal with new beginnings and if now is the right time for something new. It can be difficult to embrace new beginnings when fear fills you. But what we overlook are the possibilities that a new beginning can bring. There is the potential for new experiences, happiness, and people. We are constantly growing, and our goals may shift as we do so, but the one thing we can do is trust what lies ahead.

It can be intimidating to start something new, whether it is a new job or a new school. We are accustomed to having a routine, and when that routine is disrupted, it can be difficult to adjust. It's natural to be afraid of the unknown, but keeping a positive attitude gives you a better chance of starting better than in your previous beginning. New beginnings are liberating. It can mean breaking free from something that makes you feel trapped, but it can also mean saying goodbye to something you aren't ready to let go of. Sometimes, we don’t decide when our life is switching gears on us or we are influenced to make a change by people in our lives who help us along the way. No matter how difficult the road ahead appears to be, we must remember that we have already traveled several roads and have come this far.

A new beginning that is exciting and nerve-wracking for me is starting a new job. I've been working as a food service associate at MaineGeneral Medical Center for the past year and a half. I remember being nervous at first because it was a new experience for me. I now know that job like the back of my hand and trained new employees in it. That chapter of my life, however, has ended. I've started a new job as an office assistant that puts me closer to home and college. My parents play an important role in my life, and they encouraged me to begin this new chapter of my life and take the risk of leaving everything I know behind. New jobs and environments always evoke mixed emotions. There is both excitement and apprehension about learning something new and working with new people. However, it is by taking this risk and starting something new that more opportunities become available. 

We aren't always ready for change, but our fear of the unknown holds us back more than anything else. We notice the beauty of new beginnings when we decide that the future holds far greater things than anything we may leave behind. With new beginnings, they are constantly starting and ending. We may not always notice them, but changes occur in our lives regularly. Because of the little changes we make, we can make big changes. These significant changes impact our lives and shape our future. It is difficult to leave what you know behind, but doing so opens up more opportunities in the future.

A new beginning does not happen overnight. Whether we want to make the change now or later, we won't notice a significant difference in our lives the next day. But if we are determined and keep pushing for the change we desire, it will come to pass. Angelou writes, "Lift up your hearts/Each new hour holds new chances/For a new beginning," which can apply to many people's lives and be encouraging to those who are afraid of new beginnings. You may not always be ready for something new, but when it’s time, it’s time. You must let go of past beginnings and not attempt to control your future. When it comes time to start something new, you must trust the process and embrace the new beginnings that await you.

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