Essay Example on The Great Gatsby: Jay Gatsby

📌Category: Books, The Great Gatsby
📌Words: 445
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 August 2022

Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby depicts Jay Gatsby as an overly optimistic and ambition-driven character who has become too blinded by the desire to be with Daisy. When we first meet him, he is a well established business man that lives a luxurious life, but that couldn't be further from the truth. We first get a glimpse of Jay’s real intentions when we learn that he wants Nick to invite Daisy over for tea with them in witch Nick responds with ““It was a strange coincidence,” ... “But it wasn’t a coincidence at all.” “Why not?” “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay." (Fitzgerald pg 61) Jordan responded. This was our first indication that Jay wasn't just a wealthy rich man who lives in his mansion and throws parties for the heck of it. He may be hiding something or have some overarching plan. Daisy and Gatsby's past is then revealed to us. They met when Gatsby was stationed in Louisville prior to entering World War I. During this period, Jay fell in love with Daisy and the wealth that she represents, and Daisy too fell in love with him. However, while Gatsby was at war, Daisy got married to Tom Buchanan. Now Nick realizes how desperate Gatsby is to get back with Daisy and warns him by exclaiming “I wouldn’t ask too much of her,” ... “You can’t repeat the past.” “Can’t repeat the past?” he cried incredulously. “Why of course you can!" (Fitzgerald pg 85). Gatsby, already blinded by his ambition to be with Daisy, believes that although so many things in his and Daisy’s lives have progressed, he can still reignite the love that they had for one-another. Now in full belief that he could reunite with Daisy and run off together. Gatsby makes a plan with her to confront Tom about their affair in which Daisy would tell him that she never loved him. Daisy, knowing this wasn't true, agreed anyway. But when Gatsby presses Daisy to stick to the plan, Daisy cracks and cries, “Oh, you want too much!” ... “I love you now — isn’t that enough? I can’t help what’s past.” She began to sob helplessly. “I did love him once — but I loved you too.” Gatsby’s eyes opened and closed.”(Fitzgerald pg 102) He realized now that things were not as clear as he thought they were.  But even after all that had happened, Gatsby still thought that they would get back together like nothing had changed in the past 5 years. She loved him, and only loved him. James Gatz's extreme optimism was a double-edged sword. While one could argue that Gatsby was happier and more hopeful because he had a goal to chase, it was also this optimism and blindsightedness to reality and common sense that led to his own demise.

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