Essay Example: The Importance of Volunteering

📌Category: Interpersonal relationship, Life, Sociology, Work
📌Words: 564
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 January 2022

There are many ways to spend your time. Endless activities, duties, interests, and past times compete for a portion of our life. As you search through these options, some are chosen, some fall aside as less attractive, and others are simply forgotten. Often overlooked, volunteering can be a rewarding use of time. Volunteers learn, grow, and help others - all during one activity.  

Volunteering your time helps everyone on all sides of the picture. First, the organization that you are volunteering for is saved the expense and time of having to hire and pay someone  for the work you are doing. Those resources can then be used towards something else. Volunteering helps the people you will meet while volunteering. They are blessed by the time and talent you give to assist them. Volunteering also helps, indirectly, all those who will connect with the organization or group that you volunteered for. Because your time helped that group, that group can, in turn, help the people that it is assisting. Essentially, when you volunteer you start a domino effect. 

One of the great things about volunteering is that there are options for everyone. Engineers, architects, doctors, nurses, artists, musicians - if you have a talent you can volunteer.  One of the greatest blessings in life is being able to help others with your talents. William Shakespeare once said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away.” Volunteering is a way to give your gift to others around you. I volunteer in my church’s childcare program. Overtime it has grown to be one of my favourite things to do.  I love working with the children. Each of the children come from different backgrounds and go home to situations beyond my control. I can, however, love those kids for that ninety minutes on Sunday morning. That is why I go. Volunteering gives me the chance to touch those children’s lives. I know the affects that one kind word or smile can have. I try to be that for the children. 

 It may seem like other people are most benefiting from your volunteered time and service. However, the volunteer is blessed by his own volunteerism. Time spent volunteering is time spent learning. Volunteers learn how to interact with people, they learn new skills, and they learn different viewpoints. Volunteering at my church has taught me much. Through working with difficult children, I have learned to have patience. Volunteering has taught me about leading. The kids in my class watched me closely. Any discrepancy in my actions was noted. I learned that it is easy to favour one child unknowingly, and that favouritism leads to quick trouble. I learned to pay attention and be fair to all. I also learned to get over feeling stupid. I was once left in charge of the music with ten kids waiting for me to lead the dancing and singing. I had to ignore my dread of dancing and singing to silly songs and lead the kids in worship. I felt ridiculous, but I learned that I could do it. 

Volunteering is full of potential. To those receiving volunteered service it is assistance, encouragement, and hope. To those volunteering it is a way to give, care, and learn. Volunteering draws communities together. As people see that you care they will be inspired. As you lead in giving of your time others are likely to follow. Much can be gotten out of just a few hours spent volunteering. As you divide up your time, don’t overlook the impact that a few hours volunteering can have. 

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