Essay on Commercial Whaling on Earth

📌Category: Animals, Environment, Environment problems, Nature, Ocean
📌Words: 762
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 June 2021

Today's society has already accepted universal basic human rights, now some activists argue that animals deserve basic rights. They further argue that humanity's interaction with the animal world regularly violates those rights. Since the beginning of time humans have used animals for various reasons. Governments and corporations have struggled to find ways to protect endangered wildlife as well as fighting overpopulation in other species. Some could also argue that these activists are trying to put animal welfare over human welfare.Marine wildlife has supported Earth's ecosystems for decades; commercial whaling, illegal fishing and humanity are killing these ecosystems that will affect our world forever.

Commercial Whaling managed under international whaling commission (IWC) is currently banned and some people are trying to argue whether they should continue to ban commercial whaling. Some countries like for example Japan still continue to hunt in large numbers. IWC made it clear that they did not support Japan and Japan failed to follow through with their promise. “... has repeatedly faced allegations of noncompliance with the spirit of the treaty” (Commercial Whaling, 2013, para. 3). These allegations were enough for the IWC to cut all business ties with Japan for not complying with the treaty. Sue Lieberman (2009) tells that even regions on earth commercial whaling is not needed for survival or for basic living. Economically it does not make sense to continue commercial whale because whale meat is not a staple of food security (2013). It is common knowledge that commercial whaling is not a necessity, yet pupils continue to partake in the evil act. Some people may claim that commercial whaling may have no impact on earth and how humans live. Without whales that food chain will slowly die and earth will go down with it.  (Page 2, paragraph 1).

Once the whale population has dropped enough there will not be enough whales to eat their food sources. Their food source will overpopulate and die because there is not enough food to feed them. That will create a domino affect and slowly earth's oceans will die. Commercial Whaling and the people who are not listening and continue to do this are causing majors issues. All species of whales are vital to the marine ecosystems and the current whale populations are not recovered well enough to resume hunting them. (International Whaling Commission, 2021)  The food chain affects the ecosystems and this needs to be mentioned, because humanity is the cause. Whales play an extremely important part in earth's oceans and if they were to just disappear the balance in the oceans would disappear. Think of earth like one big puzzle and you need all the pieces to make it complete. If one piece were to go missing or break then it would not be complete. If earth’s oceans fall apart then the rest of the world would follow along and do that same thing. Some people could argue that there is no proof that earth would change, but as people who only have one earth you would not want to sit around to find out. (What Happens if Whales, 2020, paragraph 2).

Others have also tried and claimed that the whale population numbers have gone up enough for them to continue hunting. If the whale population has risen then why would the ban on commercial whaling continue? There would be no possible way to completely stop commercial whaling because if we have used animals as resources for decades then who can take that right away from the people, the animals cannot speak for themselves. The ban was put into place to assure that the whale's population would rise again and consumers have argued that the numbers have gone up enough for them to continue hunting them. Some marine life is abundant and they need marine management. (International Whaling Commission, 2021) There are still issues in the waters and none of the critical species are safe enough to be hunted and live on their own. If some of the biggest corporations cannot be trusted to hold their word, that makes keeping the ocean’s safe that much harder. The whale species need help to be protected, humans know too much about whales for them to be able to defend themselves alone.

Commercial whaling is deadly for a number of reasons. Dead ecosystems, dying oceans and marine life, climate change and populations of numerous animals dying out completely. Everyone is affected by this whether they see it or not. Change might not happen next but as time goes by the affected will start to show. Communities need to be educated about commercial whaling in order to completely ban it, which would also help people understand the toll it will take on earth. The best work that can be done is educating. Education is one of the best ways to help earth and how to listen to what it needs. This is the passageway that communities need to take in order to save earth and it’s whales.

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