Essay on Immigrant Legacy

📌Category: Immigration, Social Issues
📌Words: 394
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 July 2022

Legacy is something that can be passed down in a good or bad way.Some people identify legacy as something that has been transmitted down or something that has been received from a passed loved one.Legacy can mean anything to anyone.For me legacy means leaving your own mark and passing it along to others or just passing something down that you want to share.It can be about people,things,events that occurred that can leave its own mark.WW2 can be an event that have a legacy like the Mexican-Americans that served in WW2 that not many people even know about.

When immigrants came to the United States, they came to work for their families.When the War happened the US was involved so they had to gather troops but then realized their army  wasn't ready and didn’t have enough soldiers so they had mexican-americans join in.Women had to also be involved in the war.The mexican-americans were sent to training camps in New Mexico.Most Latinos that were drafted into the war lived in states like California,New Mexico,Arizona,and Texas.Some soldiers didn’t even want them their because they don't speak english,they are not from the US and they might cause trouble in during war.After the War was over their was still latinos alive from the war.They left their mark for fighting in the war and gave the new generation of latinos a better life for the future.So now people can then realize Immigrants that came  to the US don't cause any harm and just came to work for their families and have a better life for their future.

At first I didn’t realize I am leaving a legacy.I don't know what I’m really leaving behind or how it can impact people's lives but I want people to know more about myself and not just the quiet girl.I want to impact people's lives one day at a time.The thing is how am I going to  do that? What am I going to do to achieve that legacy?Is it something that I already did in the past or is it coming up to me very soon. I want to really find out who I really am .I kind of find it hard to believe that I am creating a legacy everyone because I feel like I'm just doing the exact same thing everyday like waking up going to school the coming home to do my homework then going to bed.After reading about the mexican-americans I realized that legacy is something im doing like talking to people and anyone I helped out.

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