Essay on Racism

📌Category: Racism, Social Issues
📌Words: 730
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 September 2021

First, let's identify racism, racism is the ideas, beliefs, convictions, and behaviors that raise the value of a particular group at the expense of other groups, based on inherited matters related to people's abilities, character or habits, and sometimes depend on skin color or culture, place or residence, or habits, or languages, or beliefs. It can also give the right to the category that has been raised to control other groups in their fate and their being and take away their rights and contempt without a right or a clear reason.

Racism has appeared since the beginning of God's creation of life on this earth and is one of the causes of sedition and the most prominent causes of wars and discrimination, and it is one of the most deadly diseases in societies.

Examples :

1- Racism in Europe against the Jews.

2- The racism practiced by the Israeli occupation on the Palestinian people, including violence and construction of the separation wall separating the Gaza strip and the West Bank lands, in addition to severing the connection between Palestinian citizens and the rest of the cities.

3- The persecution of black Africans from the slave trade and making them enslaved just because they belong to a different race and color.

Forms of racism :

1- Individual discrimination: Racism is practiced against a particular individual and is represented in depriving him of his rights and unequal treatment.

2- Institutional discrimination: Racism here lies in social institutions that rely on discrimination between workers, giving rights to a certain group at the expense of the other.

3- Legal discrimination: It includes labor rights and property rights so that unfair laws are imposed on one group and serve the interests of the other group.

There must be reasons behind provoking racism or let's call them the stimuli of the racist psyche, which ignite this behavior in the human psyche, as we can review them :

1- Boasting and defaming genealogies.

2- Physical differences.

3- Ignorance and lack of awareness of the concept of racism.

4- Psychological problems such as arrogance and haughtiness.

5- Language difference.

6- Greed, cupidity, and exploitation.

7- Inherited habits.

8- Creed and culture.

All of these reasons, and others, can provoke the characteristics of racism in the human psyche, and its effects vary according to the circumstances in which it arises, and various examples of the results of these reasons can be reviewed, including Nazism that was based on the first and perhaps the fifth point as well, and slavery as a result of the sixth reason, as can be Draw many contemporary examples of the eighth point.

The negatives of racism are reflected on the individual and society alike. The individual is the building block of society. If his condition is correct, the whole society will be reconciled, and vice versa. Dear reader, here are a set of negative effects of racism:

Disadvantages of racism on the individual :

1- Racism generates animosity and hatred between the racist and the person against whom racist behavior is practiced.

2- The person who is subjected to racism is rejected in all meetings.

3- It makes the person subjected to racism a lonely and outcast person living apart from others.

4- Racism narrows the mind of those who practice it because of their interests in themselves and away from the feelings of others.

Disadvantages of racism on society :

1- Racism makes society loose and incoherent.

2- Racism generates conflicts between members of society.

3- Racism creates an atmosphere of resentment and hatred among its children.

4- Racism creates an atmosphere of fear, repression, and instability.

5- Racism may ignite the spark of war in society, to make every sect intolerant of its ideas.

Treatment and anti-racism.

The phenomenon of racism is not difficult to treat, but its treatment requires a great effort, as tasks are distributed between individuals, society as a whole, and the authorities as well. Nations have already rid themselves of this scourge and have been able to treat it, and a swarm of solutions can be proposed to treat combat racism, perhaps the most important of which are:

1- Governments should try to narrow the circle of differences between tribes, and between different factions in society.

2- Governments must overcome racism by applying the principle of justice and equality among the members of society.

3- The media has a very big role in influencing society, and we must ensure that this role is positive in rejecting racism and discrimination.

4- Imposing penalties on those who stir up strife and disputes between members of the same community. 

5- Strengthening the religious conscience of individuals sometimes plays a good role in rejecting racism.

To stop racism, we need to become anti-racist as a society. This means changing the way we think and act, and being prepared to challenge others to do the same.

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