Essay on The Russian and Ukrainian Conflict

📌Category: Russo-Ukrainian War, War
📌Words: 432
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 June 2022

As the current Ukraine crisis continues, we know the extensive history of Russia/Ukraine relations, including history, has contributed to the years of tension between the Independent nations Ukraine and Russia. A direct result of these tensions is connected to numerous years of complicated history between both countries. The first aspect is the history of Ukraine, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Ukraine claimed its independence as a sovereign nation. Ukraine then could disassociate itself from Soviet or Russian influence. In conclusion, having its own identity. The Russian government as well as President Vladimir Putin saw this as a threat to Russia's wellbeing. The first occurrence of Ukraine's independence being threatened happended in 2014 when Russia forcibly annexed the Crimean Peninsula. The Ukrainian crisis was caused by Putin's desire for Imperialism, Nationalism, World recognition, and to establish the former legacy of the Soviet Union.

(Nationalism)Citizens of Russia/Ukrainian citizens are similar ethnically and historically important to each other. President Vladimir Putin published an essay on the “Historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians”.This essay was formerly published on the Kremlin's website in several different languages. He went into detail about how he felt Ukrainians and Russians were the same people or  “one”.President Vladimir Putin believes Ukraine can only be independent along with Russia. For Russians, Kyiv was a historically important city adding to that it was a significant part of Russian history. One of the first written textbooks of Russian history had been published in Ukraine’s capital city Kyiv during the 1670s. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has also caused an increase in nationalism specifically in Russia’s capital city Moscow. After the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russian pride has been found in places it hasn’t before. According to a reporter from the “New York Times” based in Moscow, there is an online website where extremely loyal Russians can expose and report incidents of those who disagree with the Russian government/ President Vladimir Putin. Additionally, reporter David Herszenhorn, claims there has been an increase in anti-western and anti-American propaganda. Putin has made claims that annexing Crimea was Russia “reintegrating it” after a previous Russian political figure was removed in 2014. He stated that it was to protect ethnic Russians living in Crimea. Vladimir Putin explains, “Today another important step has been taken to strengthen the energy security of the Crimean Peninsula and the whole south of the Russian Federation.”The Russian citizens aren't being told the truth about the situation. President Vladimir Putin has told his people the goals of the invasion of Ukraine were to” demilitarize and de-nazify Ukraine”.There is major evidence that Russia/Ukraine has had diverse cultural, economic, and political similarities with each other.In summarization ,there is no doubt nationalism or in other words reuniting Russian and Ukrainians together again contributed to President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine.

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