Essay on Ultranationalism: Nazi Germany

📌Category: Nazi Germany, War
📌Words: 500
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 June 2022

“Devotion, respect and service to your nation is the only way to free it from the economic crisis we presently find ourselves in.”

Many who disagree with the quote understand that we should not embrace ultranationalism in any way. A number of horrific events took place due to the ultranationalistic belief during the World Wars.In the first war German ultranationalism contributed to the start of The Great War due to the want of ruling the European nations.The great depression fueled ultranationalism in Germany and resulted in the popularity and rise of Adolf Hitler.Ultranationalism also helped Hitler to  pave the way to campaign Germans as the “superior race”

German ultranationalism contributed to the start of World War1.  With the desire to control all of Europe and spread their beliefs, they started a bloody war which left Germany torn.  It also left the country economically unstable due to the excessive loans and money borrowing. Germany now was on a road towards the great depression while greatly in debt due to ultranationalistic beliefs .With the desire to control all of Europe and spread their beliefs, they started a bloody war which left Germany torn and economically in an unstable state.This in the future led to the Holocaust and genocide.The growth of ultranationlism should have been stopped or contained .

Secondly, The great depression fueled ultranationalism in Germany and resulted in the popularity and rise of Adolf Hitler.  Due to the previous war, Germany was due to pay debts back as reparations in order to cover damage done.Civilians were under the great depression at that point and people were going hungry.  Adolf Hitler rose to power with the support of many Germans looking for a leader to turn to. He quickly preached the German race as a "pure" race. Germans now were fed ultranationalistic beliefs and views against the Jewish people and the strong veiws and values started growing and ultimetly led to the Holocaust and war crimes. Hitler let ultranationalism rise until he declared World War two.

Ultranationalism also helped Hitler to  pave the way to campaign Germans as the “superior race”

With the objective of building a racialized hierarchy in Europe ruled by the German "superior race," Adolf Hitler rose to power.   This was the driving force behind Nazi politics, which attempted to: circumvent the Treaties of Versailles' constraints; and absorb regions having native German majorities into the Reich.  Because of preaching these " superior race" beliefs,the growth of ultranationalism skyrocketed in Germany during and right after the Great Depression

In the first war German ultranationalism contributed to the start of The Great War due to the want of ruling the European nations. The great depression fueled ultranationalism in Germany and resulted in the popularity and rise of Adolf Hitler. Ultranationalism also helped Hitler to pave the way to campaign Germans as the "superior race" German ultranationalism contributed to the start of World War1. With the desire to control all of Europe and spread their beliefs, they started a bloody war which left Germany torn and economically in an unstable state. Therefore nations should not have embraced ultra nationalism in the Great Depression. As the above paragraph states- Ultra Nationalism led to some of the most horrific events in history.

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