Essay Sample about American Happiness

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 768
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 March 2022

What is happiness? Different cultures define happiness in different ways, although all of these definitions share a common theme: happiness is pursued and obtained through achievements. According to the American definition of happiness, happiness is acquired through success, money and achievements. In a world that is hyper fixated on pursuing happiness, it is crucial to step back and question the definition of the happiness that is being pursued. More so, should pursuing happiness be the real way to actually being happy? Anthony Brandt writes about this in his essay, The Selfish Pursuit, in which he provides a unique, self-aware perspective revolving around the pursuit of happiness. Within his essay, Brandt employs figurative language to demonstrate that the American definition of happiness makes no sense. 

Juxtaposition is used to convey the absurdity of the belief that happiness requires struggle. The essay begins with ruminations on how pursuing happiness is a never ending struggle; an endless sequence of achievements, happiness and guilt. Brandt is aware that pursuing American happiness is unrealistic and absurd. Despite this, he has decided to continue to “struggle happily on, running through the sequence again and again” (Brandt 194). Emphasis is put onto ‘struggle happily,’ because these two words make little sense when juxtaposed, which highlights their differences. No struggle could possibly be a happy struggle, because the nature of struggles is that they are unhappy. However, by describing the pursuit of happiness as a happy struggle, Brandt is indicating that people believe struggling for happiness will bring them happiness. This is absurd, because happily struggling (for happiness), versus actually being happy are two very different matters. As well, this juxtaposition brings attention to the notion that happiness requires struggle. Brandt knows that this notion is false, since he has seen his father live a happy life without ever pursuing American happiness, making him aware that true happiness requires no struggling nor pursuing. Since American happiness is not the only way to happiness, it makes no sense that this idealized definition of happiness should require such abundant amounts of struggling. The American definition of happiness makes no sense because achieving happiness should not be a struggle at all. 

Brandt uses simile to further his supporting argument, characterizing the pursuit of American happiness as a never-ending, fictitious cycle. Brandt is aware that pursuing American happiness is inefficient and absurd. However, he continues to pursue this unrealistic definition of happiness, which has led him to realize that “the pursuit of happiness feels [...] sometimes like a dog chasing its tail” (Brandt 198). When a dog chases its tail to entertain itself, it embarks on a cyclical and silly mission. By likening the pursuit of happiness to a dog chasing its tail, Brandt points out that the nature of these two tasks are very similar, as they are both cyclical and foolish. Additionally, both of these tasks present no real end. If a dog is finally able to catch its tail, it has no choice but to let go and start again. Similarly, if a person is able to obtain American happiness through years of struggling, they will quickly realize that they are still not quite at the highest level of happiness, and will feel the need to struggle for more. Nothing is ever enough for this type of happiness, because no one can ever have too much success, money or achievements. Just like a dog chasing its tail, pursuing happiness is silly and far-fetched as it has no end. Hence, the American definition of happiness makes no sense. 

If American happiness is nonsensical, then what definition of happiness makes sense? Only subjectivity can answer this question. Just like morals, judgment and thinking, there can never be a right or wrong answer (although, certain beliefs are more accepted by the public than others). To some people, happiness remains to be derived from success. These people live by the American standard of happiness, and are content with the little happiness that they derive from their happy struggles. To other people, happiness is love, which is also pursued, and requires struggling in the form of heartbreaks and bad dates. This fact does not disprove this essay, because through its necessary struggling, and cyclical, impossible nature, the American definition of happiness remains as absurd as they come. However, the fact that a concept or idea makes no sense has never deterred humanity from worshiping it. In the end, although American happiness is so inefficient and unachievable, Brandt, like millions of others, has still chosen to pursue this notion of happiness for the rest of his life. He is aware of the impractical nature of this way of life, but nonetheless continues to pursue what he believes will make him happiest, because happiness is possibly the most subjective feeling in the world. If someone decides to live by American happiness, or any impossible interpretation of happiness that requires endless struggling, who can stop them? They have chosen to run through the same, endless sequence for the rest of their life. Again. And again.

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