Essay Sample about Coronavirus

📌Category: Coronavirus
📌Words: 446
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 March 2022

When I say the word “COVID-19” or “Coronavirus” almost everyone will be able to know what I am talking about. The coronavirus has been a huge issue since the year 2020. The coronavirus is a highly infectious disease that I will be talking about in this essay.

First of all, what is the coronavirus. Coronavirus is a highly infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some symptoms of the coronavirus are having a fever, coughing, loss of smell, and tiredness. Some uncommon symptoms are sore throat, headaches, aches and pains, diarrhea, a rash on the skin, and red eyes. Some serious symptoms are difficulty breathing and chest pain. If any of the serious symptoms appear, you should go to the hospital immediately and get checked. Since coronavirus is a highly infectious disease, it will spread very easily. It spreads from person to person if they take off their masks and talk for just a few minutes which is very dangerous. For example, if one person in a restaurant has spread the coronavirus, all the people in the restaurant will most likely get it as well. There are other highly infectious diseases such as chickenpox, the flu, and more.

Second of all, the impact of coronavirus on your health will be a lot. It could cause long-term health problems such as difficulty breathing, and thinking slower than usual. Some short-term health problems caused by the virus will be fatigue, cough, loss of taste, and others. Nowadays, a lot of countries are affected by the coronavirus and many people are still dying from it even if there is a vaccine. However, the vaccine has reduced a lot of coronavirus cases around the world.

Third of all, many respiratory infections are caused by coronavirus that is easily spread through respiratory droplets in the air and on surfaces. The first thing that the virus will do when it enters a body is to find a place to attach itself so it has a stable surface. After attaching itself, it will find a way to enter the cells in our body. When it enters the cell, the virus starts finding something in the host called a “ribosome.” A ribosome is something that turns RNA into proteins. These proteins will be taken over by the virus specifically the coronavirus that has entered the cell. At the end of the life cycle, the virus sends out the proteins that it has taken over to particular places within the cell are then the places where proteins are concentrated and new virus particles are made. Then the coronavirus will continue doing this until we start to feel sick.

To sum it all up, the coronavirus could seriously damage our immune system which will cause long-term after affects that is not good for our body. It is also easily spread and there will be a lot of symptoms indicating that you have the virus.

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