Essay Sample about Effects of Technology

đź“ŚCategory: Science, Technology
đź“ŚWords: 546
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 16 March 2022

Imagine you had to live without any of your technology. How would you feel? What would you do? Electronics have many drawbacks and benefits that affect Americans' daily lives. Technology has grown in positive and negative ways that we have had to adapt to throughout the years. We need to learn more about the so-called effects of technology.

As we know, technology has disadvantages, and many of them. As stated in Teenagers And New Technology, “I’d rather give up a kidney than my phone “one teen said in an interview with a British reporter. What that teen said shows how addicted teenagers are to their technology, especially their cell phones. For example, even parents feel a little anxious when their kids cannot contact them (No Cell Phone? No Computer? No Problem!). One parent said “It makes me slightly uneasy” in relation to her daughter was not in contact for a couple of weeks. Her statement indicates that not only do kids feel uneasy when they can’t use their technology, however parents feel the same way, meaning that now not only do kids rely on phones. The article “Higher Screen Time, Lower Grades” Douglas Gentile speaks his mind about how multitasking is not good for anybody and that the more distractions you have, the worse your performance is. I personally have experienced how multitasking can bring down your grades. Multiple times my grades have slipped because of my technology usage and have had to focus on bringing them back up. Disadvantages of technology can be exceedingly difficult and can be detrimental to your school life social life and can cause other issues.

Moving on, technology also has its pluses that benefit America. One teen named Vishal said “good for me as a learner” talking about how his technology access. His words show how technology has been helpful for students( Teenagers And New Technology). In my personal experience, I know my cell phone has helped me with my schoolwork now that most schoolwork given is through a computer. In the article “No Cell Phones? No computers? No Thank You!” On teen talks about how it felt when he went to a camp that allowed no technology. He said it was hard to give up his gadgets, but it eventually got better. His statement indicates that you can live without phones and be fine and although it seems addicting you and pretty easily be over the tech. I myself had been through the feeling of my computer being taken when in trouble. I never really miss their laptop, but I do have to adjust no having my computer for school or personal life. “Teenagers And New Technology” writes that electronics offer new world opportunities for kids. The author Andres Padilla-Lopez wrote that understanding new tech is necessary for the future success of your life, and he mentions that it helps a teen define their personality. Sometimes I feel that my electronics control my future and where I end up someday because the use of the technology is extremely influential. At the end of the day, technology can be immensely helpful in our world today and in the future.

Finally, the effects of technology can be positive and negative and effect Americans in a big way. There are multiple ways electronics can be positive and negative and influence people I massive ways. The negative effects can take a toll on yourself. If the negative effects ever get to be too much, you should try to go a week without any technology and have a refresh.

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