Essay Sample about Gospel

📌Category: Christianity, Religion
📌Words: 1406
📌Pages: 6
📌Published: 04 June 2022

In the bible and in the Christian religion there are the gospel essentials that help define the gospel books. The gospel essentials are the subjects of the gospel books that stick to the themes of forgiveness, sin, and religion. There are four main gospels essentials nature of God, nature of humanity, nature of Jesus, and restoration. The Christian foundation is built among God's word and nature which is an important part of the bible and the gospels. To determine the gospel essentials there are the four essentials and the gospel essentials.

When looking at the nature of God Christians believe that God exists in three different 'persons' or the (trinity) which is the father, son, and holy spirit. The trainman of God consists of the father, son, and the holy spirit which Christians believe is God appearing in all various times in history. "The theological doctrine of the Trinity states that God has appeared at various times in history as three distinct" (HT, 2019, p.3). Gods character in the bible consist of How he is loving and forgiving, gracious and forgiving. He is also gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love and faithfulness (Exodus 34:6, NIV). In Christianity God is typical characterized as all knowing, all powerful, and supremely good. In Genesis 1 God created heaven and earth which also talks about the 7 days of creation which is the time span when he created everything. Also, God created man which is mentioned all throughout the Old Testament and New Testament.

The nature of humanity is defined as the way that we as humans are like God in a way. Which includes our relationship with God, ability to reason and donation over creation. In Genesis, it tells us that man and woman are made “in the image of God." (Genesis 1:26-31, NIV). Human nature is defined as our characteristics, feelings, and our behavior traits. In the bible Human nature is defined as the acts that we commit to strengthen our relationship with God. In Christianity most people believe that our purpose is to look after the world that God created. "Most Christians believe that humanity's purpose is to look after the world that God has created like caretakers (or stewards)" (BBC, 2021, p.5). The root cause of human problems is sin which separates us from God. Original sin began in Genesis with Adam and Eve when they ate of the tree which we are all born with, and what separates us from God. So, it is our human purpose to restore the relationship with God that all Christians are born with.

The nature of Jesus is that he is the son of God and conceived by the holy spirit. In the bible Jesus's true identity is defined as the son of God and the second part of the trinity. The main purpose of Jesus's kingdom is he was sent down to cleanse the world of sin so we can be restored with God. Jesus's identity is important in the Christian religion because it signifies that God sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins. " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:6). His identity is significant because he was a healer and spread the Christian religion before his sacrifice for sin. In the Christian worldview Jesus's also shows us the true power of God throughout the bible.  "Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness." (Matthew 9:35, NIV). The verse provides evidence how Jesus would spread his teaching thorough the towns and villages. This is key part in the Christian worldview because it provides evidence how Jesus is a healer.

The solution to human problems in the Christian worldview is to throughout our lifetime to restore the relationship that we don’t have with God, due to original sin. Grace, faith and repentance all play in salvation because salvation is a gift from God which gives us grace and can strengthen faith. “By grace you have been saved through faith; and not by yourselves, it is a gift of God”. (Ephesians 2:8, NIV). Through god’s grace it strengthens our relationship with God because it’s a gift that we received. Through his grace faith saves us and helps us with forgiveness of our sins. Transformation of self and society in the Christian worldview tends to happen throughout church and the bible itself. Which is what we have to transform is to do acts that can unify us with God. In romans transformation is mentioned by the renewal of your mind, so you can prove what the will of God is. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2, NIV). Gods will be God having a will for humanity and for it to be restored. Restoration is important in the Christian religion because through church and confessing of sin they are steps to restore the relationship with God that is original sin, that we are born with.

The gospel essentials constitute the foundation of Christian worldview by the definitions of the nature of God, the nature of humanity, the nature of Jesus, and restoration. All of these concepts all the essentials of the gospels which brings us closer to God and helps strengthen our relationships with God. Also, the gospel essentials help anticipate the bible and help with further explains the gospel itself. "All of these points anticipate the rest of the book, which will unfold the biblical-Christian metaphysic in contrast with alternative philosophies" (Christian thought, 2014, p.10). In the book that I cited it talks about how the Christian essentials further explain the bible and unfold Christianity itself. When looking at the essentials in the nature of God it’s important for us to know the trinity which is the three times, we see God throughout the bible which is the father, the son, and the holy spirit. All of these are throughout the bible and give verses that show God and how we human nature can be restored. The nature of humanity ties into restoration and how we can do acts to get closer to God.

The strengths of Christian worldview are that its hope for the future when going to church and doing acts to get closer to God. Also, it helps to stabilize life when everything is going wrong or accidents occur it’s good to have God with us everywhere and knowing that he has a bigger plan for everything in life. The bible provides stories of what happens if we are sinful which relates to human value and to be Christian like it’s important to be forgiving, compassionate, and generous. Christian concepts of salvation compared to the worldview perspective is that for most Christians we maintain a personal relationship with one God and how different he is from other beings. Christians mainly believe in how we become closer to God is through church, prayer, and confession other worldview perspectives may have different ways of what makes them closer to God. The Christian worldview can influence a person’s thinking and behavior by knowing that our sins will be forgiven but by knowing what morally wrong which the bible demonstrates through the New Testament and Old Testament. Through some verses we see how evil can punish us and how it can affect our lives as a whole and our relationship with God. The bible shows us that with good acts we can be cleansed and have a good life and a close relationship with God. Some people may find Christianity to be confusing or troublesome because of how it may affect others. Some people don’t have the same amount of spirituality which can be troublesome because some people have different beliefs and different ways of reaching out to God. Many people get confused or have trouble with the commandments which can be troublesome and separate some from Christianity. 

The gospel essentials help Christians to strengthen their relationship with God. After reviewing the main essentials for the gospels it’s important to note that we find out the nature of God and Jesus and how we can get closer to them and get forgiveness for sin. The nature of humanity is that we are made in the image of God and we have the responsibility to protect what he created in the 7 days of creation. Through the church, praying, and the bible all of these are ways of giving hope and that by grace we are saved. The strengths of the Christian worldview are how Christianity can help with what God's bigger plan is even when we don’t understand what it may be in the moment. God is Good, almighty, forgiven, and all through the bible, we are shown these characteristics and how there is eternal life through him.

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