Essay Sample about Human Rights

📌Category: Human rights, Social Issues
📌Words: 501
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 August 2022

The Amendments to the Constitution (1787), France’s Declarations of Man and Citizen (1789), and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) discuss a variety of what is considered human rights. This paper will compare and contrast three of the human rights that each of the documents agrees upon. Specifically, that all are created equal, liberty and security, and justice.

The rights in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution may appear to be self-evident, but in fact, are not universally recognized and are often misunderstood. 

The rights listed in the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were proposed by the states and ratified by the state’s people. The people of the United States agreed that all humans are entitled to certain basic rights. Specifically, the people of the United States agreed that all humans have entitled to life; liberty; security; justice; a social wage; education; health protection; food, clothing, housing, and medical care as well as other rights under international law. All humans have also been declared equal in dignity by international bodies, so there is no difference between males and females when it comes to rights. However, some countries have yet to officially recognize these human rights ideas, so respecting them is important for worldwide peace.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a statement that all humans are entitled to necessities such as food, clothing, and housing as well as political freedoms like freedom of speech and association. All humans are also entitled to social freedoms such as labor rights, access to goods and services, and freedom from discrimination based on race, gender, or social status. Human rights are protected under international law; human rights treaties document how human rights should be protected at a national or international level. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights details how governments should respect citizens’ civil liberties when they commit crimes against them— such as wrongful imprisonment or torture — while acknowledging that their governments may not protect them from committing crimes themselves.

The Universal Declaration from Man is a statement that all humans are created equal in dignity since both male and female humans were created equally dignified by God in biology class. Men were declared equal because they share equally in civic responsibilities with women under the 19th amendment— both have roles in running a country’s government — however, men do hold more power than women in some areas such as business leadership roles or during divorce proceedings where custody decisions may be made easier for women. Men have also been declared free from having their citizenship taken away since they can lose their citizenship if they commit treason against their country — whether this treason involves helping a foreign country undermine their country or joining an armed group intent on overthrowing their country’s government — without being punished first for doing so.

There has been much debate over what exactly constitutes “human rights” since not all countries recognize all aspects of “human rights” ideas documented in different documents around the world. Regardless of what your opinion may be regarding whether certain aspects of “human rights” ideas should be respected worldwide or not, it is important for individuals to always respect others’ human rights so that peace can exist between different peoples around the world.

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