Essay Sample about Individual Rights

📌Category: Human rights, Social Issues
📌Words: 746
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 19 February 2022

Individual rights are one of the most profound topics that we people have argued about.

Individual rights are the difference between a free man and a slave. It's the difference between enjoying life and not. That is why the Magna Carta, declaration of independence, and United States constitution represent this type of government. The most significant influence on the United States government is individual rights.

Individual rights are the most important influence because they give value and purpose to the people. In 1215, real individual rights began. The Magna Carta was one of the earliest documents really developing individual rights for the people. Such as when it says “No town or free man is to be distrained to make bridges or bank works save for those that ought to do so of old and by right”

During this time that was a big deal. The people finally had the right to not fall to the king and do work that was unnecessary for them. This limits the power of the king and gives it to the people, not only does the king have “laws” to defend themselves now but so do the people. This is why the individual rights of the people are the most significant influence on the United States government. That is what it means to be American, having the right to live well and be strong in our country. Not weak but powerful and have a voice to what you think is right.

Another reason individual rights are the most significant influence on the United States government is during Our first attempt at developing a stable government. The Declaration of Independence

In the Declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson  says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator” 

As it says, all men are created equal, and it's true, people are born the same way and that is how people are treated in America and that is why people want to live here. The United States has the highest population of immigrants in the world because of the desire for the quality of life here. We as the people make a society that can make anyone belong and matter and that is what people desire. Individual rights are not that important to other governments such as North Korea. North Korea's dictatorship eliminates even the thought of individual rights. The people of North Korea are in complete despair and are treated as worthless in their country. They are forced into the military and other jobs to help support their leader Kim Jong-un. This makes citizens want to leave which is a bad idea because if caught in the act of trying to leave they will kill them.

Lastly, the most important influence on the United States government is the document that founded our government and is still teaching our own citizens about their individual rights and the rules of our country. These rights and rules apply to our citizens and other immigrants that desire them. In the constitution it says that “Our Constitution guarantees equal rights to all our citizens, without discrimination on account of race or color. ... I propose to regard it, and administer it, as the source of the rights of all the people, whatever their belief or race.” It is in our developing document of our country that the rights of the citizens are guaranteed. Not only do they get these rights but they are equal throughout the people. It doesn't matter your race or gender, it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, it doesn't matter if you're popular or a loner. All rights in the United States Of America are equal and guaranteed to all kinds of people. As stated before, the desire to matter for humankind is above all the most important. Everyone wants to be involved, Everyone wants to walk into a room and feel wanted. In the United States, people have that voice because of their individual rights. Nothing else can do that for them. No country can give them those rights like America can. We have the fastest-growing population in the world because people here matter and have that voice that makes them not want to leave. 

For the reasons stated in the Magna Carta, the declaration of independence and Our own United states constitution Individual rights have the most significant influence on our United States government. 

Currently, Individual rights are constantly growing. This development severely increases the power and rights of individual persons. Which makes it better in the end to respect and treat the people rather than not. Everyday people matter more, go use that, make a difference and show the people of the world a place where they can matter. If not, go use your own to give them a place where they do.

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