Essay Sample about Macbeth’s Ambition

📌Category: Macbeth, Plays, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 445
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 March 2022

In the play Macbeth by Shakespeare, the main character, Macbeth, is controlled by his overgrown ambition.  He is determined to do whatever it takes to become king of Scotland. His ambition forces him to kill, slaughter, and disassemble families to protect his throne.

Macbeth’s ambition mostly comes from his wife and the three witches. The witches tell him three prophecies. He shall be Thane of Cowdor, King, and Banquo’s sons shall be king (Shakespeare Act I iii, 50-70). Fulfilling his prophecies the king’s knights tell Macbeth on the battlefield that he has been named the Thane of Cowdor. As well, his wife hightens his ambition by persuading him to kill Duncan and take his crown. Thus fulfilling the prophecy that he will be king.

In the play Macbeth, ambition affects Macbeth and his wife in negative ways. Macbeth is forced to change his ways and become ruthless. He kills families and children all for the protection of his crown and legacy. Although he becomes ruthless he still feels guilty of his deeds stating, “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine”(Shakespeare Act II ii, 55-61) This explains that he is guilty of his deeds. Ambition also affects Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth. Although she persuades Macbeth into killing Duncan she suffers from a mental sickness due to this where she reenacts the killing of Duncan when she sleeps.

In the play some characters can resist the allure of ambition while others cannot. For example, Banquo can resist the allure of ambition. He doesn’t believe the witches' prophecy towards him while Macbeth falls for their prophecies. Believing these prophecies Macbeth cannot withstand the temptation of his ambition to become king and could not be stopped. As well, Macbeth cannot resist the allure of ambition when Macduff comes to kill him. He decides to kill his entire family and village to ensure the protection of his throne. 

The play Macbeth is progressed by ambition. Without it the story would have never progressed. As well, Macbeth would have never committed the murder of King Duncan and Lady Macbeth would have never perished. Also, Macbeth would have never endangered Scotland or killed Banquo. Without ambition Macbeth would have continued his life on the battlefield and would not have died by Macduff’s hands. Macduff would have never come to Scotland without ambition present in the play and Banquo’s son would have never fled to England and would have become the King of Scotland. 

In the play Macbeth ambition is a main theme. Ambition can be traced throughout the story to the main characters. Our main character Macbeth can be traced by ambition. His actions are of ambition and ambition alone. He cannot change his ambitious ways and proceeds to use his ambition to protect his crown for his future generations until his gruesome and well deserved death.

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