Essay Sample about Media's Impact on Beauty and Body Image

📌Category: Beauty, Entertainment, Health, Human Body, Life, Media, Social Media
📌Words: 487
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 August 2022

The Internet. A global system of interconnected computer networks putting trillions of bits of information just micrometers under your screen. 

Billions of people use the internet every day, according to DataReportal. 

Now, what if a chaos fest of toxicity and distorted body standards were to find itself among the millions of pixels and websites all over the web? 

Enter Social Media. 

The Media’s definition of the ‘perfect’ body standard has evolved through stages over the years, and along with that comes the pressure to fit the description. Social Media completely changed the game by introducing public and anonymous interaction between anyone with an account. Posts, Likes and comments changed the way we interact with others online, for better and worse.  

On one end, it opened the ability to share thoughts, photos and opinions that anyone could see and interact with. But this can in turn reveal the toxic & fake side of social media that is so pervasive.

Instagram is arguably the most influential social media platform relating to body standards, and according to earthweb, 72% of teens use it every day. 

Edited selfies made to look ‘perfect’, ads with skinny & muscular models, plastic surgery, unrealistic weight loss and muscle gain programs all filling up everyone’s feed. This has a tremendous impact on body image in not just teens, but adults too. It places a lot of pressure on people to want the slim waist, the muscular build and symmetrical face. 

Instagram is also home to influencers. The celebrities of social media praised for their perfect appearances when most of the time what they post is all edited.

A prime example would be the Kardashian, numerously spotted editing images to achieve todays ‘perfect’ body shape. This puts people and teens who aren’t aware of the editing in a position where they think if they don’t look perfectly skinny or like all the muscular models then they aren’t good enough. 

This constant spread of fake and unachievable appearances has formed the ‘perfect body type of today, and its ruining the way we perceive ourselves and others. 

On tiktok and YouTube, diet videos and skinny waist trends and are damaging to those with anorexia and body dysmorphia, reducing their self-esteem and discouraging them from being confident.

Boys are exposed to fitness coach programs, muscular models and because of the stigma to be manly its common to keep your feelings hidden to avoid feeling less of a man.

There is an opposite side to this though, body positive pages and influencers advocating and encouraging people of all body types, Fashion and beauty websites using plus sized models, and anti dieting to prevent the dangerous restrictions diets impose.

It all depends on what you surround yourself with and what pages you follow. Most of us don’t realize how trapped and damaged we’ve become by the supermodels, edited photos and unrealistic body standards littered and promoted all through social media. There are so many aspects of someone’s life you can’t see from their seemingly perfect Instagram or twitter page. We all have struggles and imperfections. we need to realize how much pressure the media puts on us to appear perfect. And learn to be ourselves instead.

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