Essay Sample about Russia's War in Ukraine

📌Category: Contemporary history, History, Russo-Ukrainian War, War
📌Words: 654
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 August 2022

It was a peaceful day, and everybody in Ukraine but the Russian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and Vladimir Putin were furious. He asked himself, "did you aim your goal before in your lifetime"? because he wasn't aiming. His goal is to own Ukraine. He was planning for war because, in 2014, it started escalating into a battle between the Ukrainian military, but it began when he and I were a kid, and we were best friends and thought we would be the president of the USA. Still, Zelensky moved to Ukraine and said: "i didn't want to be friend again" because he didn't know I was driving, so I didn't tell until the teacher said it. Putin got angry and said, "he will kill zelensky "The reasons for this are esoteric, and it didn't do much since both "republics" were part of the Soviet Union. But Ukraine is connected with Russia and broke off from Ukraine. Ukraine's president was telling the story to his son, said his son (Kiril Zelensky), "what is the point of doing that break off' president Zelenskyy saying that "you are too young to understand" Kiril scream ", no I am not. I am" 9 year old later that day ukraine president meet the russia president talking about why Putin doing this war Putin said "give me your county.

Then I will not have a war. If you don't, I will find you and kill you and your people" President Zelenskyy if you do it I will kill you too if you do it to my people i will kill you people too with powers. "I got power too, Zelensky. You are not the boss of me and my people, Putin tells him back." Let's have a war, in 3 months I will win the war and kill you and scream "victory will be ours" Putin we will see Putin screaming get out of here NOW! "Putin mind" it was back and Back Again again.Putin vp came to the room dmitry Medvedev came to the room where is i when i need you,go make the army be good for the war Now dmitry then he was on the call with ukraine president "make the army fail ok, and I will pay you 1.2b he overhears Putin saying "i putin "scream" me Putin if you want to die you will die he say Ukraine he scream One month later, Russia was losing. It was finally happening because he met the army one week ago and told them to fail, but we will not kill you guys. Ok, they were happy, but one guy was scared if Putin would be called and heard this "he will never know that" and "screaming! "I have a family of 4 kids and a wife. President Zelensky said, "he will never know. He said with joy," ok, this is the plan. Still, you have to fake that you guys are dying for real and I will give fake guns, but it will hit you. Still, you will not feel it at all" then they went to the Warfield's face to face at gunpoint on their hearts in Russia, for the army was 280,000. Ukraine's side was 246,445 armies, and the Russian military was 140,000 people that knew what they were planning as there was going to kill their people wasn't a problem, but the Russian president knew as he was watching CNN and sent 900,000 more armies. Still, they didn't realize Ukraine's power then.

Thousands and thousands with Ukraine's power were left to die. Someone didn't die. It was Putin, the Russian army, and Ukraine's military running for their lives. It was Putin and Zelensky face to face using their power as presidents. Zelensky said I die, you will die with me using my invisible shield using my power, and all his people died. Putin, too but not Zelensky, and his people were safe but gave his son power to relive Putin soon. He woke up as president, standing and forgiving him for these selfish things. Helping Putin in his mind by saying, "I can't believe this anymore", and giving his county to Ukraine and Putin learned a lesson it was better to forgive and forget.

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