Essay Sample about The Effects of Cyber Bullying

📌Category: Bullying, Social Issues
📌Words: 1422
📌Pages: 6
📌Published: 02 June 2022

Today I am here to talk about the influences cyberbullying has on the victims, the bullies, and suicide rates. With social media platforms multiplying and the use of social media increasing, global suicide rates continue to rise. Social media addiction is a significant part of the problem; however, that is not what we will be discussing today. We will be looking at rates that continue to increase partly because of what we say and do on social media and how that can affect others in unimaginable ways. I will start with two personal stories; first, I will begin with a story about my best friend, Destiney. She was a bright young girl. Our friend group knew all about bullying. We had been bullied for years, but at 15, it all got worse. It went from name-calling and concussions to sending exposing photos of her around her high school. All this led to the sexual assault she endured not even two weeks later and the beautiful little girl she called her daughter. Two weeks ago, we saw how much toll all this from 4 years ago took on her. From the little girl she tried not to let remind her of what happened and the guilt she felt when she couldn't; to the major depressive disorder, she had been suffering from since. Two weeks ago, Destiney took her own life; this story didn't have a happy ending like I wish it would have. However, this shows the long-term effects cyberbullying can have on a person. The following story I will tell you is about me at just 17 when I attempted to take my own life. This was due to the vicious lies being spread about me on social media. Shortly after, I reported my 23-year-old boyfriend for assault is when the harassment first started. I cannot tell you most of the things being said because this has to stay school-appropriate. However, I will tell you it wasn't very good. They told me that I deserved it and that I should kill myself. I remember the day like it was yesterday, sitting in my bed crying, looking at my Facebook, at the things the people I  thought were my friends and family were saying yet again. Thinking that maybe it was true, feeling unloveable and unworthy, wondering if people would be better off without me. Destiny recounted telling me what it was like to walk into my bedroom to find me on my floor. Something no person should have to find and something no family should have to go through. I am lucky to be alive. I am fortunate she found me, but some people like Destiney are not so fortunate. I am not telling you this to make you feel bad for her or me; I am telling you this to show you an accurate picture of how what you say and do, even when hiding behind your phone screen, can affect others. Whether it be when it happens or years later, these two stories show how tragic of an end cyberbullying can have. Whether that be with words or pictures, it all has detrimental effects.  We will be looking at what cyberbullying is and how it is different from regular bullying at school. We will talk about how it can affect the bullies themselves. The legal trouble this could cause. Lastly, we will look at how cyberbullying affects the victims and how it affects suicide rates, what you can do, and how you can be kinder on social media.

Many people don't know the true definition of cyberbullying; According to Touro, "Cyberbullying is defined as bullying that takes place using digital technology. This may include social media networks, text messages or email. Cyberbullies may spread rumors, post embarrassing photos or videos, or use fake profiles." These things can be very hurtful and cause mental and emotional harm to others, just like bullying that happens in person. However, there are some differences in teasing in the hallways and cyberbullying that makes cyberbullying more harmful. Touro states, "The lack of face-to-face interaction that technology provides makes it much easier for children to cross the line from joking to bullying. Also, unlike traditional bullying, a cyberbully can be completely anonymous. This makes the victim feel even more helpless because they do not know the source of the attacks. Technology also makes tracing the source of the attacks nearly impossible. Before a victim finds out the identity of the bully, the information could have spread to a worldwide audience. Anonymity also helps remove the power imbalance so that anyone can be a bully. This contributes to what may become an endless cycle of bullying that hurts all victims involved." Bullying can affect not only the victim, but it can also affect the bully.

Bullies can be affected by bullying others in more than one aspect. Depending on the severity, it can impact your present and future. We will discuss both to see how what you are continuing to do could affect you and your families. According to Lorna Blumen, "Bullies had some additional and different risks, demonstrating a 4-5 times increased risk for anti-social personality disorder (described as a lack of empathy, lying, and criminal behavior). Earlier studies have shown that as bullies grow up, they tend to have more problems holding down jobs, more problems in relationships, more issues with drugs and alcohol, and are more likely to have police records." For example, let's look at one of the situations your teacher was discussing with me; Sharing or possessing photos of an exposing nature of any minor, no matter who shared it, is considered child pornography which is punishable in a court of law. According to Legal resources, "The consequences may include prison or jail terms that may last weeks, months or years. Other penalties may involve counseling at school, educational reform programs and even community service. If the person charged is a juvenile, the penalties could include a detention center or specific program for rehabilitation. Others may face punishment as an adult. Certain situations could change a juvenile court into an adult court because of the gap in ages or when the person is close enough to the age of majority in the state. The investigation may uncover additional crimes or further evidence that could convict the person." Looking at this, you can see that bullying others causes problems for you and can have long-lasting consequences, including an increased risk for suicide. Some are different than the effects that this can have on the victims; others are the same.

Adolescents put a lot of weight into what others think about them, whether by the like button or comments. According to the author of Marketplace, "There is growing concern among mental health professionals and child advocates about the 'like' buttons of the social media world. They say kids' drive for validation and popularity on services like Instagram can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem." This is because they put so much in a like they feel unworthy if they do not achieve what society deems as popularity. Comments can sometimes be more harmful than the like button. People use these avenues to bully others online because of the anonymity that comes from benign behind a screen. Just like in the story I told you before, words can hurt, and people put a lot into what others think of who they are and the things they do. The anxiety, depression, and even low self-esteem stemming from social media or the way social media is used primarily by teenagers is a huge factor in rising suicide rates. 

Suicide rates have varied quite a bit since the 1990s. However, with this, we are going to start in 2005. Looking at this graph, you can see that numbers were going down in 2005, right before the start of Facebook and Twitter. But right around 2006-2007, they started to rise again and continue to the increase we see today. According to the CDC, suicide rates have increased 35% since 1990. Following the CDC's records in the year 2018, there were, in total, 48,344 suicides and over a million attempts. These numbers are highly troubling and very saddening to look at, but this is the reality. Looking at all this, you can see a direct connection on how this all works together, creating a bigger problem. If you look at the date, we started seeing an increase. You will notice it began right around the time Facebook and Twitter became available for users worldwide. Seeing the relationship between the two is highly crucial when looking at how cyberbullying is affecting suicide rates in not only the victims but even the bullies.

In conclusion, cyberbullying can affect both the bully and the victim, from legal issues to mental health and suicide rates. In addition, Cyberbullying contributes significantly to our continually increasing numbers of attempts and deaths. The CDC's records show us just how serious an issue this is, with a 35% increase in about just as many years. So make sure you watch what you put online because it can never be taken back, and treat others the way you want to be treated. Thank you!

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