Essay Sample about Understanding

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 873
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 31 August 2022

Understanding is one of the most basic instincts we have. Human nature is defined as, “the general physiological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.” Since birth, we have longed for understanding. We learn to speak coherent sentences by the age of three to make wants and needs clear to those around us. To understand, we must learn. At five years old, we are placed into a formal education in the hopes of learning enough to become productive members of society. These teachings include the triumphs and failings of our pasts, distant and new. Through literature, we see that tales we thought were unique have occurred since the beginning of written human history. However, science allows us to see both the past and the future. We can see not just that something occurred but how and why, and because we know this, we can improve and prepare. This is also human nature. The saying ‘“fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me,” allows us to notice that once we understand the error of our ways, we can see what must be done to prevent it from occurring again. 

Our universe is infinite and our oceans deep, yet we know so little. Ignorance may be bliss, but what we do not know could either be our downfall or salvation. The cure for cancer could lie at the currently unreachable depths of the ocean or on a distant planet. We have yet to learn how life began on Earth or definitive proof of other life. We can help to reverse the consequences of our actions. Many species have been driven to extinction by humans, and we are now learning how to bring them back and help our planet. The knowledge we have is limited, and this is evident in the discoveries made every day and that which we continue to question. Humans have believed in miracles and magic for thousands of years, yet much of it can be explained by science. This makes me wonder why we have yet to explore these circumstances closer and dive deeper into the origins of these myths. Many of these myths began with a truth that was not understood. People have looked for reason since our beginning, and mythology provides comfort for that which is unknown. Religion is something that we seek to support because we know nothing about what is to come next after death. All that we know is learned in the time from birth to death. Comfort is what we strive for. Many say they seek a life of adventure over comfort, but few truly live this way without straying. We enjoy the known, and this is why we crave knowledge and understanding. If we know something, we believe it should not be able to hurt us to the same extent. Essentially, like as small children we believed if the lights were on, the monster would not get us.

I have yet to decide precisely what I would like to pursue in my lifetime; however, I know that my goal is to learn. Especially things that aren’t known now. Whether it is research in cosmology, physics, biomedical, or marine biology, this will be my goal. In such a short period, technology has improved to such a degree we have learned of other galaxies which were never known of, and there are likely many others that we are just not capable of capturing now. With these newly created technologies, what we know can be exponentially increased in a hundred years compared to the thousands of years we have spent getting to this point with the information we have. I believe that I was lucky to have been born when technology is improving so drastically in such a short time. 

I often ask “But why?” and in many cases, those around me do not know the answer or care. They are okay living with just knowing that something happens or exists, but this does not help to improve. Innovation is only achieved by understanding the gritty details and inconceivable truths. The belief that the earth is a sphere was thought to be crazy long ago. Only because great thinkers sought to learn and question what was believed, do we know that Earth is round. Many great things have been discovered in such a short time and small area. 

We only remember great failures and great accomplishments. We never focus on the middle ground. The middle of this spectrum is filled with those that were okay living with what they already had, and because of that, they are not remembered due to the fact there was nothing notable about their time. It seems we are only here to reproduce and continue our species, but what is the point of that if the sun will die? Another option that is much more likely is that we will destroy any history of our existence through nuclear war, or our carbon emissions will overheat the earth killing all life. This makes me think that reproducing is not the sole purpose of life. The real purpose seems to be understanding and finding happiness. Whether it be understanding each other, the world around us, or that which is not tangible, these are the things that make life human. Through thousands of years of history, we can see that even in events that seem like a point of no return, we find a way to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. This is why I believe we need to understand all that is around us, past, present, and future, to not only survive but thrive.

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