Essay Sample about Working at Mc Donald's

đź“ŚCategory: Business, Corporation, Life, Work
đź“ŚWords: 1005
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 07 February 2022

Working at Mc Donald's

Working is fundamental in someone's life; while working, one can be independent and pay for their bills, in the restaurant industries like McDonald's, a fast-food company where most teenagers are lucky to be employed despite being at school. Some people might argue that it is not suitable for teenagers to work as service providers in the restaurant industry since they are still in school. People should know that fast food companies are flexible in working hours, making it possible for teenagers to work while still at school since their work will not interfere with their learning. This will even be advantageous to them since they will have the experience of working, making it easier when they get a job after completing their studies. Working also enables someone to acquire specific skills. For instance, a person working at a restaurant would develop skills such as customer service, teamwork, multitasking, and working under pressure.

Customer service

In the restaurant industry, customer service is the direct interaction with a customer before and after the customer has made a purchase. When it comes to the issue of customer service, it is the responsibility of every person who is working on the company to issue complete customer satisfaction. For example, at McDonald's, every employee has a role to play when providing the best customer service (Alhelalat et al. 50). Thus, it will enable people to acquire basic skills essential in any job. Also, one will be able to develop the skill of customer service. Customers, at times, can be tough to work with and be unreasonable. People at the counter will learn to handle such customers with patience since they are always considered suitable. The customer is always the priority of any company; when one works at the restaurant, one will become better at handling customers. During working with the customers, one will be able to make friends among the customers.


Teamwork is one of the skills that one acquires when working any given fast-food dealer, since the cooperation of two or more people when performing a common task or achieving a common objective (Ab-Latif et al. 11 0). One must be able to work as a team with other workers. Enormous restaurants success is indeed due to their teamwork. As a result, it improves its worker's teamwork skills by training and mentoring the new workers. It is made possible by having weekly mentorships that would help the workers build upon their teamwork skills. The workers are encouraged to work closely with the other workers despite their differences. It is even more advisable that the workers be friends with each other and they will efficiently work as a team and do it willingly. When a person has acquired  this skill, it will be easy to work in any company since teamwork is essential in every job


One significant skill factor to consider while working or seeking a job at the restaurants like McDonald's is the art of multitasking. Often, there is the stress of rush orders, yelling managers and customers, and limited time. Therefore, to cope with the whole issue, switching back, forth, and center would be the order of the day to handle multiple tasks effectively. As a result of rapid and frequent moves within the workplace, it refreshes, energizes, and makes the body fit and alert. A survey conducted by researchers revealed that a group of waiters and waitresses at their restaurant workplaces got rapid movements and worked pace during the day, but slower during the evening. In that essence, the researchers found out that the busier the restaurant, the rapid the work pace, and hence the sense of multitasking. (Clarke, pg 316).

This kind of survey experiments how multitasking allows one to realize the bright side of getting busy delivering services and not focusing on only one duty but carrying out tasks at any moment required. Multitasking is an art that, as a worker, one must consider since several other significant skills come along with it. An important skill learned through multitasking is the art of good listening skills, since listening to various customers address their issues at ago is also part of multitasking (Clarke, pg 316). The Good listener would permanently save time and create a commendable customer experience. Another aspect learned from multitasking, such as restaurants, is endurance, handling harassment from rude customers (McDonald, pg 315-317).

Work under pressure

Fast food restaurants are demanding workplaces with multiple clients and orders coming in and out rapidly; an employee has to put up much pressure to catch up. An issue at Mcdonald's, resulted in employees quitting their jobs, claiming that the store management is run by teenagers and young people who are arrogant and cannot appropriately handle their employees even on critical matters. The working hours are also long, and there is working pressure since labor is provided for more than 30 hours a week In addition, the fast-food stores often close late and afterward, is a cleaning duty and tally up, resulting in long day rushes and pressure, an essence where an employee has to leave the workplace very late (McDonald, pg 315-317). The pressure encountered in the work environment at the fast-food restaurant here makes it almost impossible for a middle-aged scholar who would like to combine the job with schoolwork since the work there is that much.

Further, there is the pressure resulting from the close supervision carried out by the management  at the restaurant. Imagine multitasking together with the pressure exerted by the bosses is such a crisis. However, instead, the secret is remaining steadfast and enduring with the situation since, despite the pressure experienced, there are various tactics and extra moral skills learned from the pressure and whole day busy schedule experienced at the workplace (Clarke, pg 317). Moreover, on the contrary, much pressure is also said to be hazardous, thus could lead to emotional, physical, and behavioral problems, which are tragic health hazards issues such as defectiveness, difficulties in concentration, and many others.

As evidently discussed in the essay, global restaurants and fast food stores are pretty labor-intensive; as a result, customer feedback depends highly on the rate of service delivery and employee performance. Therefore the workforce must work as a team with other workers since enormous restaurants such as Mc Donald's success is indeed due to their teamwork. Also, for the workforce to maintain the high demand and rapid pace, multitasking is required to cope with the whole issue; switching back, forth, and center would be the order of the day to handle multiple tasks effectively.

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