Essay Sample: Alcohol Usage Should Be Controlled

📌Category: Social Issues
📌Words: 1321
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 22 June 2021

Alcohol is a very serious and dangerous drug, although it is not treated this way anymore. College students have taken drinking to a new level in which, for many, is very scary. Alcohol is much more dangerous than many would think. Kids see a night of drinking as a great way to have fun and party but do not see the consequences. Getting drunk and even blacking out can lead to many problems. When alcohol is consumed in unhealthy amounts, it can lead to not only short-term effects, but long-term ones as well. Although praised by many as a way to pass time and relax, alcohol can affect an individual financially, socially, and psychologically.

First of all, alcohol usage should be controlled because it causes an addiction. For example, If you have an addiction to alcohol, and drink everyday. The alcohol could temporarily lift your mood. That feeling you feel may be very addictive and cause an addiction. The healthline says that, “in small to moderate amounts, alcohol can temporarily lift your spirits and help improve your mood. The more you drink, however, the more likely your emotional state will begin plummeting back down. Sometimes, alcohol can make you feel even worse than you did before.” Alcohol is a depressant, it alters the delicate balance of chemicals in your brain. As you sip your first drink, the alcohol starts to affect the part of the brain associated with inhibition. That’s why a drink sometimes makes you feel more confident and relaxed. Therefore, once a person is addicted, it is not only your mood that changes in a way where you feel good and relaxed, but also it makes you sad and depressed.  That being said, Too much alcohol can ruin your body. Once you get addicted it will be very hard to stop and could lead to depression which can lead to other problems. If it gets to the point of depression, The individual can harm him or herself. And that could cause a lot of stress on the individual's family. This causes an addiction because the person who is depressed may think the only way to get away from the real world and problems, is by drinking. ‘’Alcohol Abuse Leading to Depression. The study concluded that abuse of alcohol puts an individual at a significantly greater risk to develop depression than that of a person who is not abusing the substance. Therefore, it is clear that alcohol abuse can induce depression, and depression can also induce alcohol abuse’’. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism classifies binge drinking as a drinking pattern that leads to a blood alcohol concentration level of 0. Says the American Addiction Center. When people drink alcohol they tend to forget more, a heavy night of binge drinking can cause this where you cannot remember certain  things from the night before."Some people experience what doctors call a blackout when they drink too much alcohol and do not remember key details. Alcohol affects short-term memory by slowing down how nerves communicate with each other in a part of the brain" Blackouts occur when your body’s alcohol levels are high. Alcohol impairs your ability to form new memories while intoxicated. It doesn’t erase memories formed before intoxication. As you drink more alcohol and your blood alcohol level rises, the rate and length of memory loss will increase. The amount of memory loss varies from person to person. (healthline) Therefore, too much alcohol causes problems with the body. This could be a problem because you might forget important things such as a family member's birthday or a special occasion, which can lead to more problems with family. Alcohol causes memory loss which can lead to more problems. However, alcohol doesn't only affect the individual under the influence, but also the people around that person, such as family and bystanders.

Second of all, Some of the issues surrounding alcohol abuse are very complex. Binge drinking is associated with being both the perpetrator and the victim of violence between married couples. Think about how many drinks you have when you're with your partner,the more you drink, as well as the more your partner drinks, the greater the risk that they will become violent towards you. Alcohol is typically involved in the most severe incidents of violence towards partners. The relationship between alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence is similar across diverse cultures and drinking patterns. If your partner gets drunk, there is a posssiblity of sexual abuse, mental abuse and so on. When the couple is drunk, they could cause problems to themselves, but also the innocent people. (verywellmind) That being said, too much alcohol causes violence to everybody. From violence to partners, to violence to bystanders. There are many forms of violence/abuse while under the influence. The impacts of intimate partner violence are wide-ranging. For the victim, health effects include physical injury (which for some women may lead to pregnancy complications or miscarriage), emotional problems leading to suicide, suicidal ideation and depression. Alcohol Impairment by alcohol is an important factor influencing both the risk of a road crash as well as the severity of the injuries that result from crashes. The frequency of drinking and driving varies between countries but it is almost universally a major risk factor for road traffic crashes. If a person is in a bar, and that person is drunk, the individual could cause a fight with someone innocent for no reason and create big problems. Therefore alcohol can cause violence and danger on the road, Which is why most road fights happen. While someone is under the influence, they tend to be in ‘’their own world’’ which can lead to the problems stated before. Therefore, being under the influence can cause road rage and collisions which is considered violence. The negative effects that alcohol has should be illegal in all countries. Alcohol causes violence towards others and the individual that's under the influence. But despite that alcohol causes violence, it could also cause self harm. 

Third of all, alcohol has a negative financial impact. you may not realize that drinking is negatively impacting your financial wellbeing until the effects have become severe. As an individual battling a drug addiction or alcoholism, one cannot perform satisfactorily on the job,even if the employer never knows about the addiction, you can lose your job. Addiction causes negative consequences related to one’s work. If a person is addicted to alcohol, the individual that drinks alcohol and comes to work drunk, will lose his job which causes a loss of job and no more earning money. Since they will start to lose money, people will be losing their houses and won't be able to afford things they once used to be able to with their paycheck. Therefore, if somebody comes to work under the influence, it will go bad for the business, and the individual. The store (in this example) rating will go down as customers will report them. And the individual would lose his or her job, and they would lose money. Which goes with  ‘’negative financial issues’. Which is why alcohol has only negative effects towards finance. If a person drinks too much alcohol, it's obvious that there will be medical problems. Those medical problems cost a lot. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, ” excessive alcohol use in the U.S. rose to almost a quarter trillion dollars in 2010″. Considering alcohol abuse has nearly doubled since then, the cost of alcohol problems has increased severely. In the same light, alcohol has also become more accessible in a wide range of states, meaning national consumers are spending more money on alcohol. Alcohol is very expensive and if a person drinks too much, they will start to lose money and it will be harder to afford things more important along the lines of bills.Alcohol isn't cheap. Even the alcoholic who drinks in moderation can expect to pay a large amount of money to finance her vice. While it carries connotations of pleasure and sociability in the minds of many, harmful consequences of its use are diverse and widespread. To summarize everything that has been stated so far, since alcohol can affect an individual financially, socially, and psychologically, Alcohol usage needs to be controlled to protect the addicts physical and mental health, but also the other people's physical and mental health too. People still think that alcohol has a positive side, but there are so many reasons alcohol is bad and in fact, deadly. Then how could people still drink and “have fun” with alcohol?

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