Essay Sample: Coping With Anxiety

📌Category: Disorders, Health, Mental health
📌Words: 849
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 15 October 2022

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), approximately 1 out of 3 adolescents suffers from an anxiety disorder between the ages of 13 and 18. Although a diagnosis of teenage anxiety disorder has been debated by medical professionals for years, NIH research suggests that many children who have difficulty coping with these disorders have friends who also have similar difficulties. Personally, I had a difficult time coping with my anxiety disorder, and a friend of mine recently underwent a period of anxiety about her career path and future prospects. Despite the fact that worrying can create a lot of tension, talking to others and not being afraid of trying out new things are all better ways to decompress because it is much better to focus on yourself right now rather than worrying about the future. On top, it is especially important for people to receive support and encouragement when they are dealing with teenage anxiety disorder because they are simply worrying about a problem. 

Even though I didn't really have any deep impact on someone's life, there was this one time when I talked to my friend with anxiety disorder. My friend was struggling with anxiety, and one of the tips I gave to my friend was to change her focus from worrying about the future to enjoying and doing her best right now. I got this advice from the Bible, and it says "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34), which is a good reminder that we should focus on living in the present. The Lord's Prayer also tells us to be mindful of the forms we receive today and not worry about past or future forms that may never come. It is good to prepare for the future, but ultimately it is better to live in the present. Therefore, I told my friend that it would be more worthwhile to find the future by living hard in the present rather than abandoning the present while worrying about the future that may change yet. 

Vigorous effort is required to break out of a lethargic state of mind. Periods of inactivity and uncertainty can be overcome by attempting something new. My friend, who had been suffering from anxiety and depression, found herself unable to start or finish her work. This is a situation that I have seen reflected in myself on many occasions. Time waits for no one, and eventually another day will come. The other day will go the same way without me. It's scary in a way, but on the other hand, it lightens the mind. According to North Central College (NCC), students feel a lot of pressure to shape their future with excellent grades and having connections with people who will pave the way to wealth and success. In order to enjoy a good job and opportunities for wealth, there is an obsession that you must have excellent grades and connections in order to secure a future that is good enough to be enjoyed by yourself. But eventually we'll be on our way, and instead of sitting down and repeating the same behavior again and again, it would be better to take action now. 

I faced my own anxiety and depression for the first time when I was in a young age. When I saw my friend in a similar situation, I knew that I could help her by sharing my story and explaining how I got through it. She was experiencing the same thoughts and fears that I did before, and I overcame my anxiety, which my advice shows her that it's possible to have those negative thoughts and still have a stable life. One passage that has impacted my friend's life is about "How to deal with anxiety, fear, and panic attacks." My friend suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks, which stopped her from enjoying the things she loves such as spending time with people, going out of the home, etc. A line that I remember as it relates to my friend is "Talk to someone. Whether it's a therapist or a close friend or family member who won't judge but instead will help you cope and overcome your fears, reach out and talk to someone." My friend recently talked about her experience to me. She said that through talking about her problems to others, she realized that she needed help and that helped her get over her anxiety. I think it's important for people to know what anxiety really is and how it affects your life. It's not something that you can "cure," but instead, it's an experience that you can use to your advantage. Anxiety is a type of fear response, and it can be very helpful in certain situations. The key is knowing when to use it and when to let it go. 

I am someone who has struggled with anxiety. My friend, who is currently experiencing similar stress and worry, recently came to me asking for advice on her career. I have learned through my own experiences that it is important not to be embarrassed by my anxiety disorder and to talk to others about it. It helps a lot when people understand what anxiety is and how it affects my behavior. Additionally, it is important to try new things if you are feeling overwhelmed, it is impossible to achieve success if you do not even attempt success on a regular basis.

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