Essay Sample: "Is College Worth It?"

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 444
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 June 2022

David Leonhardt and Chris Mathews argued different aspects about if college is even worth going to. In Leonhardt’s article, his title states “ Is college worth it? New Data Say”. Now in the title, it indicates that Leonhardt Is asking the audience their opinion about it. Now at the beginning of his article, he stated,  “Yes, college is worth it and it’s not even close.” From here you can say that he agrees going to college is worth going. He said in the fourth paragraph, “The pay gap between college graduates and everyone else reached a record high last year...which is based on the analysis of Labor Department statistics by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington. Americans with a four-year college degree make 98% more an hour on average in 2013 than people without a degree. That is up from 89% five years earlier 85% a daycare earlier and 64% in the early 1980s”. From what I read in Leonard’s Article is that the pay grade of having a college degree from everyone else Has made an increased during the last year and the Department of Labor statistic said that Americans with a four year degree had made more now than the average pay grade in 2013 people without a degree. Now from here, I could understand that a degree has made a big difference in an average pay that was lower than that.  people would disagree with it because most people aren’t fortunate to be able to go to college. After all, they don’t have enough financial aid and help to be able to go to a college that they select. Now in Matthew’s article title, “Why college isn’t for everyone explain in a single chart.“ From his point of view, he disagrees that college isn’t for everyone since there are various reasons that support his claim. Below the image, his article indicates “The bottom quarter of earners with a college degree don’t make more money than the average High School graduate and this hasn’t changed much in 40 years.” Includes that having a college degree isn’t that much different from a high school degree earning. Teachers say that going to college will help you earn more and have a better future.

I’m my opinion based on Leonhardt’s article college is a smart financial decision for everyone. For a few certain jobs, it is required that the employee or employer have a specific college degree that is connected to the job that is referred. For example, if you expect to work in the medical field you have to have a Ph.D. and a license to be able to work. A few jobs have these requirements to have a college degree. Also, I learned from people in my life it’s take year’s to go up because bosses or executes see people with a college degree more qualified.

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