Essay Sample on Bravery

📌Category: Feature of Character, Life
📌Words: 463
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 June 2022

From time to time everyone has felt fear. From feeling shivers to facing a lifetime scare. Fear can get in anyone's way when an individual is trying to achieve a goal or achieve anything in general. But, one cannot forget that fear is the make of being brave; in fact, bravery is made from fear. But how can one define bravery? Examples of bravery can be completing a dangerous or challenging task, working a job that requires a risk. But bravery is not being fearless.

Bravery is courageous behavior or character. Bravery is the feeling one gets when facing a challenge that is dangerous or difficult. The task can be dangerous, such as a doctor performing surgery, or driving a car in horrible conditions. One can face a harmless situation, such as talking to a person whom one likes to date or riding a roller coaster for the first time. Many people do these things not because they are not afraid, but because they are willing to overcome that fear, that is what makes one brave. To some, this concept is the reason for being scared to try new things, but for others it is a drive to overcome that fear and act brave regardless of how scared one may be. There are many jobs that take bravery. For example, being a police officer, firefighter, and being a pilot. Often these jobs require individuals to realize that they are risking their life for others. Firefighters go in fires to save people; they also go into forests with trees on fire. Police officers' risk their life's, one can be in a dangerous high-speed chase and or stop a vehicle and end up getting shot leaving them lifeless. A pilot also risks their life flying an aircraft, flying a plane through severe weather. All these jobs show bravery because they are willing to risk their life to save others knowing they could lose theirs. Students can also show bravery, some may show it by standing up to a bully, doing speeches in front of the class, performing in pep rallies. This shows bravery because one can be nervous or scared, but still do it and overcome that fear. 

“Fearless” though is not a synonym to bravery (though many believe someone who is never scared is brave). But if a task or challenge is not frightening or gives one a feeling of being scared, then the challenge would be completed quite easily requiring no bravery. Those who show bravery often put themselves at risk to help others. The closest synonym to bravery would be “courage,” the ability to do something that frightens one, which also would make “valor,” great courage in the face of dangerous, a synonym too. But without fear one cannot be brave. 

Everyone has felt fear, but with fear comes bravery. Bravery takes place when one is in fear but overcomes that fear to achieve a goal, tasks, challenges, or risking their lives to help others; this defines the word bravery.

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