Essay Sample on Central Nervous System

đź“ŚCategory: Health, Human Body
đź“ŚWords: 734
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 01 April 2022

“Ow!”said the girl after touching the hot pan.  What gave her this reaction? The answer is the Central Nervous System or better known as the CNS. The CNS is one of the most important organs by far. It controls everything from thought to actions.  It is due to the CNS that you can feel your hand burning on a hot pot or are able to feel a needle going inside your arm.  It is important to know what the CNS really is. Broken down it means Integrating Sensory Information.  With this we can see what the CNS is really about. Integrate means to combine or put together. Sensory means transmitted or perceived by the senses.  Lastly, informaton means facts provided or learned about something or someone.  With this being said according to the acronym CNS means combining transmitted senses to provide facts to something or to someone.  

One of the main organs in the CNS is the Spinal Cord.  We owe the Spinal cord to being able to transmit messages from our highly intelligent Brains to the rest of our bodies that make the human species function.  The spinal cord for example is a long tissue made tube of nerves that connect the Brain to the lower back and supply the body with nerve signals and supplies you the coordination to move your body. The spinal cord is the main line of water in the irrigation of your body. What I mean by this, is your spinal cord is your main supplier of information that transfers nerve signals from the brain to the spinal cord and vice versa.  Then these signals go to PNS and the bunches of nerves in there that let our bodies know what we need to get done.  

The other main organ in the CNS is the brain.  The brain collects information from the nerves and processes them.  So if you would stub your toe the nerves would send information to the brain causing it to hurt.  The brain is very important, it has 3 main parts: the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and the brain stem.  Each of these parts has their own role, the cerebrum is the biggest part of the brain as it helps with learning, judgment, speech, memory, all your senses, and muscle movements. It is also divided into smaller parts such as Wernicer’s Area, the Hippocampus, the Amygdala, and the Diencephalon.  The cerebellum is one of the smaller parts but still has a big role, it helps with balance and coordination, it even helps with posture.  The brain stem ,also known as the medulla oblongata, connects the brain to the spinal cord, it helps send the signals and acts like a bridge between the brain and the spinal cord.  It helps regulate some of your functions like breathing and heart rate.  It also controls your balance, coordination, and reflexes.   The brainstem includes 10 of the 12 cranial nerves which control your facial muscles, sensations, and taste. All the parts of the brain work together and helps your body to function, but it is also a very big role in the CNS as it is the place where everything is processed.

The brain and the spinal cord work together in harmony with all of the different parts working together for a bigger cause.  By using all of these parts of our brain we are able to see all of the amazing things the human can accomplish.  On average humans use 100% of their brain on a daily basis.  With the brain being one of our biggest organs it is often not talked about in the sense of how the way you live can determine your brain's  longevity.  Like anything in our bodies it needs to have proper nutrition and vigorous exercise.  You can exercise your brain by many different things such as; reading, playing sports, or doing any hands-on activities.          

The central nervous system or to be short, CNS, is a key part of our nervous system, it's made by neurons concentrated in the middle nerve centers and is found in the spinal canal and in your cranial cavity. It extends along the longitudinal axis of the body that divides our body front and back. Without our CNS, we could lose an inability to move a part of your body. You can go blind, have a numbness that will never go away, or loss of speech. This is why, when exercising, keep in mind that you are also working your CNS! To keep a healthy Central Nervous system, exercise on a basis that works for you. 

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