Essay Sample on Cultural Treasures

📌Category: Culture
📌Words: 455
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 October 2022

Museums have many antiques and history around them. Therefore, many people think they should have their cultural treasures back to the original country and some don't. I believe that museums return cultural treasures to their original countries under request. People must learn the history and where it came from. It is important to recognize the antiques before putting or selling them to museums.

The country should have just access to whether or not they want their treasure. The treasures that originate from the country should be a prized possession for them and the museum should respect that. The museums should have given to the country and treasure that should be given. Even though tourists and visitors are attracted to the attraction many don't know the actual history behind it. People can't always travel to whatever country they want just so they can see a specific treasure it will cost a lot to travel from one place to another. Although having it in a museum where everyone can see it, some people want to be in the same place where it came from.

For example the passage” Bring Them Home”, says .”Unfortunately, however, there are several examples where museums acquire artifacts and other treasures that belong to another culture or country. People shall be able to praise and share their culture or country's history and treasures in their hometown. The countries that have strong beliefs and traditions should be able to have to celebrate and get to know about their culture and explore their history. Many of the antiques were stolen which caused a huge impact on the treasures of the countries. People sell their treasures and do not take care of them properly or take them to a museum that can take care of them properly.

Making sure the country has what it needs to preserve the treasures is the big key. Museums preserve the culture of the world. Many museum professional experts specialize in the treasures and help them be healthy and preserved right. The main problem is if the original countries can take really good care of them just like the museums. In paragraph 4 of “Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World’’ it says,” Since they now have the desire and capability to preserve their treasures, they argue that it is the only right that they have the treasures for themselves.”This means that they have the equipment that they need to preserve their treasures.

In conclusion, it's important to know where the treasures came from. Also, countries should have the right to request their treasures and get them back if they have a proper place. Many countries want to honor their treasures proudly and show what they went through in the past. It should be a right to be able to give the treasures back to the original countries under their request. It would be a blessing for the countries that are desperate and ready for their treasure to be home.

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