Essay Sample on Cursive Handwriting

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Learning, Writing
đź“ŚWords: 420
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 02 April 2022

Did you know that there is a cure to terrible handwriting? Are you one of those types that struggles to keep up in school? Did you know there is a simple way to improve your heart and help you to stress less? Well, I have the answers to these questions and more, so read on!

I have found that cursive has ways of improving your life. I did a quick search online and it turns out that doing cursive actually improves more than your handwriting, it improves your ability to learn and your self-discipline improves as well. Cursive actually improves your neural connections and increases your retention too. Finally, wondrous cursive improves your fine motor skills and increases your writing skills. So, in the end, cursive doesn’t just improve your handwriting, it also improves many aspects of your life.

There was once a time when I struggled with school and online school was extremely hard for me, so I've found that doing homeschool has helped me cope better with school work. It's a little more expensive than regular school as you need to buy all of the books and other supplies, you also need to figure out who is teaching the class, whether it's your parents or a private tutor.  One of the best things about homeschool is that you don’t need to worry about falling behind your fellow classmates, because in homeschool it's usually just you, unless of course your parents want your siblings to do it as well. And maybe if you want to (and with permission) you could start your own homeschool for the neighborhood! So, with some parent permission and help, maybe you could do homeschool and focus on the areas you need help with at your own speed without the pressure of falling behind the others!

Did you know that having a dog can benefit your heart and they help you to stress less? And did you know that having a dog actually makes you more attractive, even on the internet? I learned these things on the internet, and believe it or not, there were 706,000,000 results? And in a crisis, dogs can actually help you cope better? Or that dogs make you more social? And, of course, they are so adorable that they make you love them even better than these reasons do. All in all, having a dog has amazing, great benefits.

So, as you can see, cursive can improve your handwriting and neural connections. Doing homeschool can ease pressure on you and lets you focus better. And getting an adorable dog (or puppy!) can help you and your body in many ways. Doing just these three things can benefit you and your body in many, useful ways.

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