Essay Sample on Does Technology Affect Child Development?

đź“ŚCategory: Child development, Psychology, Science, Technology
đź“ŚWords: 1177
đź“ŚPages: 5
đź“ŚPublished: 21 March 2022

Remember when you were a kid and all you wanted to do was play outside with your friends. Today kids are more susceptible to choosing an ipad and a tablet over outside play. I'm going to be answering the question: Does technology affect child development? Throughout the essay I'm going to explain how technology affects kids now more than ever. I'm going to explain how it affects children mentally and socially throughout their everyday lives. I will also explain the pro side of children having access to technology over outside play. 

Children are affected in many ways by technology nowadays. They are affected by their social skills, relationships, health problems, ability to focus, and face the dangers of browsing. As increased use of technology during a kid's childhood their social skills could suffer. They are more likely to be socially awkward and not understand social cues. “With more time spent on technology, younger children are having issues with face-to-face social interactions. “ They could end up suffering by trying to figure out how to engage with other children and adults. Social skills take practice and those random trips to the park help more than staying inside watching a screen all day. Too much technology during your childhood can also affect the development of a child's brain and their problem-solving skills. Children are going to be more used to the fact they have any and every answer at their fingertips; They may not know how to solve anything for themselves. With the result of not going outside as much and staying inside kids are more likely to have an unhealthy amount of weight and become lazy. Why would a kid want to go outside when they can sit in their house and play all sorts of games without having to move at all. I believe technology is hurting kids more than anything. Kids are more susceptible to relying on technology too much; it reduces their imagination.  A few other examples of how children are affected by technology is their relationships and ability to focus. With kids having access to technology so early in their life they may end up being more antisocial and introverted than others. Their relationships will be highly affected if they constantly were using technology when they were young. Kids could be more intrigued by devices than trying to form relationships with their peers. Another issue with kids using technology to young is their ability to  focus suffers. It is proven that people who are constantly using technology or Google are not able to read articles or books as much as others. They can't focus as much as someone who doesn't get on technology as much. Children are not able to listen to longer lectures by their teachers if they are used to being given a bunch of information in a short amount of time. The biggest effect of technology on kids is the risk of them seeing something bad. If kids are monitored it can be a huge safety risk. They may see stuff they should not for their age etc. Finally, another important effect of technology and children is bullying. Bullying increases as more children and teens start getting social media. Cyberbullying is becoming more popular even for the younger kids. “Often called cyberbullying, this trend is increasing and getting more popular with even younger students. “

After telling all the ways children are affected by technology, Now i'm going to compare outside play to kids who have ipads. Outdoor play can help kids have etter motor skills than those who spen their time inside. Outdoor play helps improve your overall health. An example of this is that outdoor play helps kids with ADHD be able to get all that energy out in a good place. Playing outside can help kids not feel so overwhelmed. Outdoor play can also help kids improve their Studies show that kids who play outside are more kind to other peers and less likely to bully anyone. These kids tend to be more self aware, especially of other kids' feelings. Overall, outside play is very beneficial to a childs health. They are able to use all their five sneses and strengthen them. Also, giving them the opportunity to be more independent and can do things themselves more than other kids. While kids play outside they are helping improve their brain skills. They are constantly imaging games and thinking of stuff to do. If kids go to te park they are able to learn and have better communication skills than the kids who stay inside only around their families. 

Conversely, I can see how easy it is for parents to distract their kids with technology. Sometimes parents have hard times getting stuff done with their kids constantly nagging them for this and that. For example a mom may be able to grocery shop longer and easier if her kid is distracted by playing a game on her phone. Besides the benefits to the parents there are some benefits of technology for the kids as well. Kids getting used to technology earlier on can help them for when they get into school. Today teachers are teaching using different types of online tools and computers. Getting used to it younger can help kids by the time they get to middle school or high school and all their teachers or using online tools to teach. Technology can also help them prepare for future careers. Having to constantly check things and send emails can be easier for someone who has always been around and aware of technology when they get older. Some studies show that technology can help improve your multitasking skills. Younger kids can multitask more effectively due to their advanced knowledge in technology. Another way kids who use technology benefit is it helps improve their problem solving and decision making skills. Games and certain apps are able to show them problem solving techniques that they can apply to their everyday lives. There are certain ways technology can help improve education for children. Some apps are designed to teach kids in a way they do not realize they are actually learning something. While kids can be easily distracted, giving them a learning tool that seems like a game can help improve many problem solving skills. An example of an app that helps them learn is Duolingo. Kids can use this app to learn another language. Kids that use technology can also improve their hand eye coordination. While kids are learning on certain apps they have to follow along with their eyes and engage by clicking certain buttons. Technology can also open kids up to new skills and talents. There are apps where you can learn how to play instruments and where you can get better at writing stories. “Whether a child wants to learn how to play a musical instrument, write a short story, or communicate with their grandparents using a video call, they stay connected with themselves and their family because of what is available to them today.”

In conclusion, I believe that technology can make children much more lazy than those kids who use outside play. Outside play is very important to a child's development. A child who uses technology more than one who does not at all has more risks of social issues. Technology can be beneficial in some ways but very hurtful in others. Kids who use technology are more likely to be socially awkward and not understand social cues. I understand that there are some benefits of kids using technology but in the end I believe it's hurting them more than it's helping them.

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