Essay Sample on Failure

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 423
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 March 2022

It is only through failure that you learn to win. If you ask anyone that has succeeded in something, no matter how successful, they will certainly tell you that they have repeatedly failed before. Can you imagine winning all the time, and never having to go through the struggle of losing? It would be too easy and you wouldn't know what it's like to fail. It is the ability to fail, take chances and learn from the failure that leads to the journey of success. 

When doing something new, everyone wants to succeed. But this desire can be limiting. The asperation of success holds people back from archiving their goals. Whereas, if someone fails, they will get to experience that success is never guaranteed. It stops the fear of losing from holding you back. A few years ago, I was trying to achieve a goal but I failed. But it is not always about failure. I learned so much from just that one instant of losing. I learned resistance and it strengthened me as it forced me to acknowledge where I have to improve, it helped me overcome and recover quickly from difficulties. 

Ash Barty quoted that “You always learn a lot more when you lose.” In a sporting match she said that “you've either won or you've lost, either way, you look them in the eye and say ‘well played’” When Ash Barty lost, her motivation increased and she kept on trying and trying and trying until she finally won. Learning from failure is like doing a scientific experiment, you would need to plan and continuously fail to get the best result. 

Furthermore, failure is certainly a great source of resilience and motivation. Take a look at the goals you want to achieve and ask yourself “why haven't I achieved this yet?” Is it fear of losing and failure that is holding you back? There is no need to fear losing. “Success is 99% failure” Says Soichiro Honda, founder of the Honda company. Keep in mind that everyone has failed before, Micheal Jordan was rejected from his high school basketball team and Walt Disney was fired from his job because he ‘lacked’ imagination. But instead of letting this kill their dreams, they were determined to prove people wrong. Micheal was determined to show the coach that he deserved to be on the team and Walt Disney became more motivated and even created the Disney film industry. 

Failure undeniably can be a struggle, but it teaches you many lessons and is an essential part of success. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. When you fail you can certainly experience more, learn about who you are and have more knowledge so that next time, you will improve.

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