Essay Sample on Failure As A Positive Learning Experience

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Learning
đź“ŚWords: 381
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 16 January 2022

Failure is usually defined as an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful. Often times, seeing that negatively associated connotation creates emotions such as sadness and anxiousness. As humans, we all experience failure in some way. Whether it is cramming for hours on a detrimental exam in which the results were not what you wanted; or we implement self-doubt by telling ourselves we are not “good enough”. While the thought of failure can be overwhelming, giving up would not solve that. In fact, looking at failure as a positive experience can shape our perspective to achieve our ultimate potential. 

When looking at failure at a negative point of view, we often have rushing thoughts of denial and giving up. For example, you have been struggling in your studies and have watched tutorial after tutorial videos just to understand that one math problem. No matter what way you look at the problem, you may speak to yourself cynically as, “I have attempted every way I possibly could solve this math problem. Maybe I am just not set out for passing, I give up!” Speaking to yourself in this manner shows that you are stressed from the continuous doubt that fills your mind, which can cause recurring thoughts of failure. In that state of mind, studies become trivial, and your self-esteem declines rapidly. When studying for your exams, it can be quite tedious. You could be doing anything else in your free time but deep down, studying for that exam is on the forefront on your mind.

The most effective way to boost your self-esteem is by telling yourself that you can and will succeed. For instance, you could search motivational quotes that speak to you and help bring your positive mindset bloom. One quote I found that is beneficial for failure is this quote by Debbie Gregory, which reads: “Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success.” When reading this, what emotions did you feel at that moment? After reading it, what action did you take? Simply put, if you keep looking at failure as a chance to succeed in your studies, it can and will happen. 

So, I encourage you to look at the problem again, if you still are not able to figure it out, ask your teacher or a peer to assist you. Success can be found many different ways and failure is just another word that is in the way of you accomplishing your goals.

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