Essay Sample on Harmful Effects of Social Media on Society

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 906
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 29 January 2022

Today the world revolves around phones and social media, for some, it’s the first thing they look at after waking up and the last thing they see before going to sleep. However, just because it has become the new normal doesn’t mean that social media only plays a positive role in society. For example, “A 2016 study of more than 450 teens found that greater social media use, nighttime social media use and emotional investment in social media- such as feeling upset when prevented from logging on- were each linked with worse sleep quality and higher levels of anxiety and depression” (Frances). That’s just one of the many harmful effects social media has on society. Modern media leads to an increase in depression and anxiety, social media addiction, self-image issues, etc.   

One of the most talked-about harmful effects that social media has on society is, causing self-image issues. Platforms such as Instagram and Tiktok spread a false image of the human body and how people look on a day-to-day basis. Most celebrities and influences only show themselves when they’re looking at their best, whether it’s a good angle a picture was taken at, or they just got their makeup done. Either way, it can cause their viewers to compare themselves to what they see and wonder why they don’t look that good all the time. If you go look at the comments of an attractive women’s post, you will see comments saying, “I wish I looked like you” or “It’s not fair that I don’t look you.” These comments can also hurt the women that post pictures and videos of themselves, by making them feel like a bad person for causing their viewers to feel like they aren’t good enough. Neha Chaudhary, MD, says “People end up creating unrealistic ideals for themselves based on what they see and feel distressed when they aren’t able to meet those ideas or self-expectations.” 

In addition, cyberbullying is very harmful, it hurts so many people and can even lead victims of cyberbullying to take their own lives. “Suicide rates among 10- to 14-year-olds have grown more than 50 percent over the last three decades, according to the American Association of suicidology.” The internet makes it much easier to hurt others because now they can hide behind a screen and won’t have to face consequences.  With Tiktok becoming more and more popular by the day it has also become a very negative space, you can post one 60 second video and something small could be wrong but all your comments will be filled with are people pointing it out or making rude and hurtful comments. Lots of people even make fun of others just to try and make themselves seem funny and when they are called out for it their defense is “it was just a joke” or “you shouldn’t be on here if you’re going to be sensitive.” For example, “Nowadays, everyone on Tiktok has the mentality that tearing down will somehow bring themselves up” says Kate, in an article she wrote on “How Tiktok became a toxic platform.”

Finally, the harm modern media does to young children when they are pre-exposed and form a kind of dependence on it. So many young children nowadays are just handed phones and tablets so that they will remain quiet but by doing this, parents are giving them access to so much that children shouldn’t be able to see. They can be exposed to violence, sexual content, and potential danger from predators. “Cliques, bullying, and sexual content are all major risks as well. Negative interactions and peer pressure can form their worldview, making it near impossible to see things objectively” (Chris). Although there are parental restrictions that can be added children are getting technologically smart and learning how to turn them off or work their ways around the restrictions, with platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Tiktok they can even be exposed to all those things previously listed with parental restrictions on.  Also, children are having their childhoods taken away from them before you would play with toys or go play with friends outside, now they only sit inside and watch videos or play games on their electronics. Because these children aren’t getting the social interactions that they should be getting they can become socially awkward and have trouble with real-world problems. When all you’re used to is just the internet it can become hard to separate what is seen online and what is reality. It may not have been officially proven but it is said that children who are exposed to violence, such as fighting videos or video games that include killing, etc., can lead to violent behavior later in life.

In conclusion, modern media is much more harmful than it is beneficial, it hurts so many, and although we might not all realize it is happening. It happens when a woman or man of any age feels insecure about their own body because they don’t look like the perfect people online, but it is easier to compare yourself to others on social media when you only see a version of what these influences want the world to see. It happens when a teenager is bullied so badly that they feel the only way to make it all stop is to take their own life. It happens when a little kid sees how bad the world is online before they can even learn how good it is as well. However, just because social media is so harmful doesn’t mean it can’t be worked on so that it can become something that isn’t negative but is only a positive. Focusing on realism, prioritizing human interactions, and even taking breaks from social media so that you can “detox” is a great first step forward to the more controlled and positive use of modern media.

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