Essay Sample on Housing Problems

📌Category: Social Issues
📌Words: 295
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 October 2022

The issue of housing has become a crisis in metropolitan cities where people face shortage for a living place. Some commentators asserted that only governmental authorities can answer this need which I personally completely disagree with.

Generally, all the governments of different countries around the word have a duty to do their bests for their people, living in welfare and no worry. One reason that governments can solve the housing problem in big cities is that they have sufficient power and money resources to change or plan any scheme for the future of housing problem. If we consider governments as rulers in the society, they are the only entity to have a great power of deciding, planning and acting for the future of the society so governments action is the only way of tackling housing problem in big cities.

On the other hand, some may argue that as constructing and renting new houses might be a profitable investment, private companies are a likely choice to help government for this problem. They can provide an access for governments to find extra resources with no worry of limited budget. Moreover, there are other cities and villages in the country and authorities have to provide their welfare. If housing become the first priority for the government, which is not strange due to its importance, other people who live in small cities or villages may prefer to act against country and raise their voice against this inequality. Therefore, it is wise to consider other choices in combination with government to solve the problem of housing.

In conclusion, although governments have the sufficient power and money to consider them as the only way of solving housing problem in metropolitan cities, as they have to control all the country not only the big cities and readiness of private companies to help government because of their profit, it is wise to consider other choices for solving this problem.

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