Essay Sample on Importance of Sports for Students and Children

📌Category: Child development, Psychology, Sports
📌Words: 425
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

88% of parents believe that sports benefit their child's physical health. It is necessary to exercise. If you are inside all day, you wouldn't get fit by exercising. Doctors suggest kids exercise at least one hour each day. So, in my opinion, sports participation is better and healthier for you.


Teamwork is an important part of sports participation. Teamwork advances your partnership in sports. Kids learn how to cooperate with teammates. For example, basketball players need to cooperate to make the shot happen. Teamwork also means collaborating and reaching a goal. According to The Janssen Sports Leadership Center, "Working with teammates teaches kids and athletes important life skills such as to respect one another, act in unselfish ways, make good decisions on behalf of the team, and not cut corners." This concludes that teamwork in sports is crucial.

Physical Health

Physical Health is a key role in sports. It can overall help lower your cholesterol levels. With research being done, it is proven that people with high physical activity had lower cholesterol levels compared to people with a regular lifestyle. People like Cristiano Ronaldo have exceptionally low cholesterol levels. In addition, sports can strengthen your immune system by increasing the flow of white blood cells. Also, when you sweat, toxins are removed from your body. It can also give you a stronger mind. When playing sports, you make fast decisions and it can help you. This is why sports are good for your physical health.

Social - Emotional Skills

Social-Emotional Skills are a huge part of sports. Kids have a massive improvement in their critical thinking by adjusting to each game situation. Kids can learn to adapt to different problems like frustration and disappointment. Sports can also help you be less selfish, manage your emotions, and deal with different problems. According to The Advantages of Sports Participation for Kids, "Physical Activity relieves stress, and reduces feelings of anxiety and depression." This is why your social-emotional skills will increase from Sports Participation.

Mental Health

Mental Health is an important role in sports. 73% of parents believe that sports benefits their child's mental health. Also, researchers in Australia found that women who play tennis and netball in clubs had better mental health than those who exercised alone. Sports can also help with stress. According to WebMD, "Exercise causes your body to release endorphins, the chemicals in your brain that relieve pain and stress." This explains the mental benefits of sports.


In conclusion, sports participation is better and healthier for your body. I described the mental health benefits, the social-emotional skills you would gain, the physical health benefits, and the teamwork you would gain. If you would like this to start happening at your school, you can contact your homeroom teacher or your Physical Education teacher.

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