Essay Sample on Leadership: Ender Wiggin

📌Category: Leadership
📌Words: 677
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 18 February 2022

Ender Wiggin was the third child of his family, owned and monitored by the government. Ender and his siblings are very young geniuses, this comes with a cost. He was bullied simply because he was a third. After the government implicated population control, being a third child was embarrassing. He was often bullied by his classmates and even his own sibling; Peter. When he was bullied at home his older sister; Valentine protected him. Valentine is compassionate and sympathetic towards her brother. Unlike Peter. Peter is aggressive and thirsty for control. Ender hates his brother, mainly for how horrible he is. At school, he dealt with bullies often fighting with him. During a fight, Ender had enough. He wanted to put an end to the bullying, he wanted to show who was in control. He hurt his enemy really bad and unknowingly killed him. Later, when he went home he found government officials at his house. The government was recruiting young genius children to fight aliens, known as buggers. Ender agreed to fight the buggers only for one cause, Valentine. He wanted to protect Valentine from the buggers. This meant leaving his family and Earth behind, to fight the war in space. Ender went to battle school to train. He learned how to adapt to null gravity in the ships. He innovated new techniques to help him. The children caught on to his smart act. They hated him because they wanted to be like him. He found himself being targeted wherever he went. His group leader; Bonzo hated him so much that he wanted to kill him. Bonzo hated Ender because he was excelling at the game. He excelled at being isolated, he excelled at fighting, and overall he excelled at being controlled. Bonzo wanted to be the government's piece in the game. In the meantime, Ender played video games that messed with his mind. Battle school put him on a course of games that would mess with his identity. Ender played the games and got farther than any student has ever gone. He did this by killing. When he defeated the game, he had to face himself in the mirror. When he looked in the mirror he saw Peter. This quickly startled him. Peter is a killer, not Ender. Ender doesn't want to be a killer. Peter represents the person that he doesn't want to be. Ender soon got depressed. Battle school was turning Ender and the other children into Killers. Bonzo was a killer, he had murder in his mind. Bonzo met Ender in the bathroom and tried to kill him. Ender is smart. He used his surroundings to fight Bonzo. He ended up killing him. Ender never wanted to but he was faced with murder. Ender truly thought he was Peter now. He grew so depressed and so lost that he no longer wanted to play the game. He realized that the buggers weren't the true enemy, but the adults were. The adults were the ones who isolated him, the adults were the ones who made him a killer. However, he had no choice. He was promoted to commander school where he was trained alone. He was isolated from everything that gave him hope. Later, he met with a few allies from battle school. He played "simulations" that recreated the buggers as a fleet, he had to destroy them. He won almost every battle. In the end simulation, he destroyed the bugger's planet. He killed the bugger's species. Ender thought that it was just a simulation, but it wasn't. He just killed the real bugger's species.  Ender was never a killer, but now he has to face one in the mirror every day. Was it his fault? He met with his sister for the first time when he confessed the real reason he hated himself. When he destroys his enemies, he knows them. He knows their weaknesses, their strengths. But by the end of knowing them he loves them. But his love doesn't save them. He then has to destroy them. He loved the buggers, he knew the buggers. Ever since the beginning, the buggers were in his brain. They communicated with him. They knew his thoughts, and they knew his. In an effort to preserve their past, he wrote about them. He is now the speaker for the dead. Ender regained control of his life.

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