Essay Sample on Life Skills

📌Category: Life
📌Words: 452
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 March 2022

Problem solving is one of the skills that I have learned to develop in the past few years. It’s an important skill because it helps you determine why an issue is happening and how to resolve that issue in a quick and effective way. The term “problem solving skills” refers not only to one’s ability to solve math problems but to a number of academic and real-life situations that require the ability to dissect problems and effectively resolve them. It is considered to be the process of finding solutions to difficult issues.  

There are different strategies to solve a problem. But before using a strategy you must take your time (which means never rush to make a discission), never give up (when trying to solve a problem you will probably try different techniques but some might not work so you must be willing to try different approaches) and be flexible (if a first you don't succeed, try another way and if the second way doesn't work, try a third way). 

Problem solving is all about using logic, as well as imagination, to make sense of a situation and come up with an intelligent solution. Problem-solving abilities are connected to a number of other skills, including: resilience (in order to reassess when your first idea does not work), teamwork (if the problem-solving needs team effort), influencing skills (to get classmates, colleagues and others to adopt your solutions), etc…

On the other hand, the skill that I’m struggling to develop is time management. Effective time management will have a significant impact on the daily practices and overall productivity. The two major obstacles for effective time management are distractions and procrastination.

When talking about distractions, many of us can relate to the experience of being interrupted by a digital intrusion while we are trying to focus on another task: A cellphone vibrates to alert us to a new text message, or lights up on the table in front of us in response to a new email, or pierces a quiet work environment with its familiar ringtone. Instantly, we shift our focus – maybe just momentarily – to attend to the message. Or, we may actively seek out distractions and temporarily divert our attention from work because of the lure of social networking sites or our favorite blogs.

Procrastination is specified as delaying work due to various reasons. It affects many factors of our life. Once you get into the habit, it is difficult to get out of it. Once you start procrastination, it becomes a way of life. While some delayed work for small tasks, others do it habitually. The type of procrastination depends on the person. Often people are not able to find a way out of procrastination. Stressing for not completing a task will cause anxiety. Procrastination is not a time management issue. Besides, it is a priority management issue. When you do not give importance to tasks, you procrastinate.

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