Essay Sample On Mesopotamian Civilization

📌Category: History, Mesopotamia
📌Words: 343
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 July 2022

Mesopotamian culture had a monumental effect on literature today. The Mesopotamians were a knowledgeable and sophisticated population. They created the written language, many mathematical ideas, and even the first-ever library. Additionally, they were phenomenal inventors and established many medical concepts which we still use. Mesopotamians had a dramatic effect on literature because they created the written language, three forms of writing, and the story of Gilgamesh.

Mesopotamians invented a writing form called cuneiform. They started writing on wet clay but did not use any letters; instead used more than six hundred characters. They created cuneiform characters, which were used to write two different languages. It is said that it takes up to six years to learn because it is so difficult. Men, women, and children could learn cuneiform, not just the kings and priests.

There are three types of early literature that the Mesopotamians were known to use. They produced stories about their gods, praise for their gods, and lamentations about their tragedies. These different stories influenced Greek mythology because of how the gods were recognized and honored.  Mesopotamian culture gave the Greeks a starting point for their endless and famous myths. Not only did Mesopotamia give the Greeks a meaningful gift of literary works, but also they were a source of their entertainment.  

The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the first five stories the Mesopotamians wrote. It falls under the category of a piece of literature that honored Gilgamesh, their king, and their god. Mesopotamians had a belief that once a person was made a king, they would become a god. All the storylines that Mesopotamia introduced many examples of extreme opposites. They were the first people who spoke about life versus death, gods versus man, and good versus evil. We still use these concepts in our literature.

The Mesopotamians were the strongest culture because of their water access and successful government. As a result of these wins, they were able to create literature that has been adapted and passed down through many generations.  “Cuneiform. It did not have the glamor of Egyptian hieroglyphs - it was made up mostly of dashes - yet it was from these marks that history had officially begun.”Sarwat Chadda, City of the Plague God.

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