Essay Sample on Queen Victoria

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 530
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 28 March 2022

Queen Victoria is still an important subject for students in England, and all over the world. She showed independence as a woman in the 1800s. Queen Victoria was also known to value family life. She also saw a great age for England, and helped it grow immensely. She stood out as a monarch of England. 

Queen Victoria was a strong and independent woman. She is one of only eight women to rule England of their own right, without being at the side of a king. She also ruled England longer than any monarch with the exception of Queen Elizabeth, the current monarch of England. At the start of her marriage to her cousin, Prince Albert Saxecoburg and Gotha, she quickly asserted her authority over him, making it clear that she was the leading monarch of her country. At the time, women were considered inferior to men, but Queen Victoria was insistent on her ability to lead her people. Despite her independence, she valued her husband’s opinions and listened to his advice with an open mind as he assisted her in leading the country. Queen Victoria possessed an authority that most women lacked in her time. 

While she was known for being one of England’s great rulers, Queen Victoria valued having a good family. She was in love with her husband, and they had a healthy and happy marriage. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert emphasized the importance of family values. The couple held the belief that setting a good example through actions was the best way to teach their nine children. Queen Victoria thought that it was better to teach via daily demonstration of good morales rather than scolding her children, and she and Prince Albert showed them the wonders of a happy marriage. Upon Prince Albert’s premature death in 1861 when he was 42, Victoria entered a permanent mourning. She separated herself from all of her duties until 13 years later, but she was known to only wear black until her own death in 1901. She only returned because of her prime minister’s advice and the celebration of her son, who had recovered from what was assumed to be a fatal case of typhoid. Queen Victoria was remembered fondly for being family centered, and being a mother to her many children as well as her country.

Queen Victoria saw one of her nation’s dominant eras. She ruled during a time that would be later known as the Victorian Era in which she ruled about 25% of the world’s surface. Queen Victoria received the title ‘Empress of India’, to recognize the monarchy’s ties with the British Empire on a whole. She was known as the ‘Grandmother of Europe’ in later years, as her children married into different royal families and she ruled the vast majority of Europe. England had territory in all of the seven continents under Queen Victoria’s rule, and she also saw the industrial revolution. She was the first monarch to ride a train, as the train in England was built during her time. She is famous for being the monarch of a great Empire.

Queen Victoria was a remarkable leader of England. She is remembered for her entirely uncommon individuality during a time that led women to be dependent on men. She is famous for family values, and setting an example for her children. She also saw England at a great age. Queen Victoria will forever be remembered as an exceptional leader.

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