Essay Sample on Shay's Rebellion

đź“ŚCategory: History, History of the United States
đź“ŚWords: 346
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 04 February 2022

The Articles of Confederation that was passed in 1777, caused many problems in post-revolutionary war America. One of the most prominent issues was the weak central government that came from the Articles of Confederation. Lack of national unity also became a contributing factor in the push to renovate the Articles. Danial Shay was the head member of the rebellion that influenced change in the U.S government.

America’s governmental roots stemmed from individuality. Each of the 13 original colonies saw themselves as lone bodies, loosely linked together with the other colonies to perform select tasks. The states that signed John Dickinson's presentation of the Articles of Confederation included New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Those states agreed to abide by the Articles of Confederation. 48 signees marked the start of the United States of America in 1777.

Many nationwide issues came around as a result of the Articles of Confederation. The fact that the central government could not control or regulate the starters taxing caused the economy and poverty stricken citizens. Farmers especially hated the Articles because they were heavily taxed. The government also could not enforce or regulate state laws quickly or easily. Each state had to give consent to pass a law, diaristicly slowing the process.

The former revolutionary war soldiers turned farmers were sick of the insane taxation from the states. Led by Danial Shay, Shay's rebellion began a series of armed riots from 1786-1787, that would eventually lead to the influence to change to the U.S government. Massive war debts and insane taxing is what caused the backlash to the way the states taxed the citizens in hopes of repaying their debts on the war. In 1787 Shays rebellion haunted, failing to instantly change the government. The rebellion did spark constitutional conversion and influenced the removal of the Articles of Confederation as well as putting the well developed U.S constitution into its place.

The Articles of Confederation caused a weak central government because of the way it separated the American population. The U.S.A underwent a crashed economy and national poverty. Shay's rebellion was rne first attempt to rectify the outdated Articles of Confederation signed in 1777 by 13 states and 48 signees.

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